view src/ @ 37:2dc785f67327

Use new tpc shell script so that errors are displayed on the console
author Mike Pavone <>
date Sun, 15 Jul 2012 13:06:58 -0700
parents 814e3d482ad3
children 9bccdb3ac979 f38437d22ebd
line wrap: on
line source

	null <- #{}

	eachbyte <- :string action {
		strLen <- string byte_length:
		index <- 0
		while: {index < strLen} do: {
			element <- (string byte: index)
			action: index element
			index <- index + 1

	debugLog <- :str {
		os write: 2 str

	makeCellTypes <- {
		typedict <- dict linear
		new <- :idStr {
			cannav <- if: idStr = " "  {true} else: {
			          if: idStr = "."  {true} else: {
			          if: idStr = "\\" {true} else: {
			          if: idStr = "O"  {true} else: {
			                            false         }}}}
			ret <- #{
				id <- (idStr byte: 0)
				string <- idStr
				isrobot <- { false }
				eq <- :other { id = (other id) }
				navigable <- { cannav }
			typedict set: (ret id) ret
			find <- :id {
				if: id = ("R" byte: 0) { robot: } else: {
					typedict get: id withDefault: empty
			wall        <- new: "#"
			empty       <- new: " "
			earth       <- new: "."
			rock        <- new: "*"
			lambda      <- new: "\\"
			closedLift  <- new: "L"
			openLift    <- new: "O"
			newline     <- new: "\n"
			robot       <- {
				commands <- dict linear
				ret <- #{
					id <- ("R"  byte: 0)
					string <- "R"
					x <- 0
					y <- 0
					isrobot <- { true }
					eq <- :other { id = (other id) }
					collected <- 0
					heldBreath <- 0
					razors <- 0
					busted <- false
					mine <- null
					doCmd <- :cmd {
						action <- commands get: cmd
					move <- :xDelta yDelta {
						xPrime <- x + xDelta
						yPrime <- y + yDelta

						writeMove <- {
							mine setCell: xPrime yPrime self
							mine setCell: x y empty
							x <- xPrime
							y <- yPrime
						consequenceOf <- :cur {
							if: (cur eq: lambda)   {collected <- collected + 1}
							if: (cur eq: openLift) {mine succeeded!: true}							

						destination <- mine getCell: xPrime yPrime
						if: (destination navigable: ) {
							consequenceOf: destination
						} else: {
							if: (destination eq: rock) {
								xPrimePrime <- xDelta * 2 + x
								rockDestination <- mine getCell: xPrimePrime y
								if: (rockDestination eq: empty) {
									mine setCell: xPrimePrime y rock

				commands set: "L" {ret move: (-1)  0  }
				commands set: "R" {ret move:   1   0  }
				commands set: "U" {ret move:   0   1  }
				commands set: "D" {ret move:   0 (-1) }
				//commands set: "A" {mine ended!: true}

	cellTypes <- makeCellTypes:

	state <- #{
		new <- :in_grid in_width in_height { 
			nextGrid <- #[]
			robot <- null
			endreached <- false
			ret <- #{
				grid <- in_grid
				width <- in_width
				height <- in_height
				calcIndex <- :x y { x + y * width }
				calcX <- :index {index % width}
				calcY <- :index {index / width}
				setCell <- :x y val {
					grid set: (calcIndex: x y) val
				getCell <- :x y {
					grid get: (calcIndex: x y)
				updatePos <- :obj Index {
					obj x!: (calcX: Index)
					obj y!: (calcY: Index)
				water <- 0
				flooding <- 0
				waterproof <- 10
				moves <- 0
				ended <- {endreached}
				succeeded <- false
				doUpdate <- {
				advance <- :roboCmd {
					endreached <- roboCmd = "A"
					if: (not: endreached) {
						robot doCmd: roboCmd
						moves <- moves + 1
				printGrid <- {
					cur <- (grid length) - width
					col <- 0
					while: {cur >= 0} do: {
						os write: 2 ((grid get: cur) string)
						cur <- cur + 1
						col <- col + 1
						if: col = width {
							col <- 0
							cur <- cur - (width + width)
							os write: 2 "\n"
			foreach: in_grid :index el{
				nextGrid append: el
				if: (el isrobot) {
					robot <- el
					robot mine!: ret
					ret updatePos: robot index

//				  adding a 'new' method to robot and doing this instead
//				  wolud allow me to treat robots and other cellTypes equaly
//				  particularly for adding methods or state to other cellTypess.
//				if: (el = (cellTypes robot)) {
//					robot <- el new:
//					(ret grid) set: index robot
//					robot mine!: ret
//					ret updatePos: robot index
//					nextGrid append: el
//				} else: {
//					nextGrid append: el
//				}

		fromStr <- :str {
			strLen <- str byte_length:
			maxCol <- 0
			nl <- (cellTypes newline) id
			blank <- cellTypes empty
			lines <- #[]
			curline <- #[]
			eachbyte: str :index element {
				if: element = nl {
					col <- curline length
					maxCol <- if: col > maxCol {col} else: {maxCol}
					lines append: curline
					curline <- #[]
				} else: {
					curline append: (cellTypes find: element)
			grid <- #[]
			cur <- (lines length) - 1
			while: { cur >= 0 } do: {
				curline <- (lines get: cur)
				foreach: curline :idx el {
					grid append: el
				extra <- maxCol - (curline length)
				while: { extra > 0 } do: {	
					grid append: blank
					extra <- extra - 1
				cur <- cur - 1
			new: grid maxCol (lines length)

	readFd <- :fd {
		if: fd < 0 { "" } else: {
			cur <- ""
			part <- ""
			while: { 
				part <- os read: fd 128
				part != ""
			} do: {
				cur <- cur . part
	readFile <- :path {
		fd <- os open: path (os O_RDONLY)
		out <- readFd: fd
		os close: fd
	getMove <- {
		ret <- os read: 0 1
		while: {ret = "\n"} do: {
			ret <- os read: 0 1

	main <- :args {
		if: (args length) < 2 {
			print: "usage: sim filename\n"
		} else: {
			verbose <- true
			text <- readFile: (args get: 1)
			print: text
			//os close: 1
			simState <- state fromStr: text
			while: { not: (simState ended: ) } do: {
				simState advance: (getMove: )
				if: verbose {
					simState printGrid
