diff modules/freetype.tp @ 321:3edd0169311a

Add basic binding to Freetype2
author Michael Pavone <pavone@retrodev.com>
date Sun, 22 Mar 2015 19:10:32 -0700
children 50760ba52b11
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/modules/freetype.tp	Sun Mar 22 19:10:32 2015 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+	_helper <- #{
+		includeSystemHeader: "ft2build.h"
+		includeSystemHeader: FT_FREETYPE_H
+		llMessage: newFace withVars: {
+			libOpaque <- cpointer ptr
+			opath <- object ptr
+			oindex <- object ptr
+			path <- string ptr
+			index <- obj_int32 ptr
+			faceOpaque <- cpointer ptr
+			rescode <- int32_t
+		} andCode: :libOpaque opath oindex {
+			path <- (mcall: string 1 opath) castTo: (string ptr)
+			index <- (mcall: int32 1 oindex) castTo: (obj_int32 ptr)
+			faceOpaque <- make_object: (addr_of: cpointer_meta) NULL 0
+			rescode <- FT_New_Face: (libOpaque val) (path data) (index num) ((addr_of: (faceOpaque val)) castTo: (FT_Face ptr))
+			if: rescode = 0 {
+				mcall: value 2 option faceOpaque
+			} else: {
+				mcall: none 1 option
+			}
+		}
+		llMessage: getFirstChar withVars: {
+			opaque <- cpointer ptr
+			glyphIndex <- obj_uint32 ptr
+			charCode <- obj_uint32 ptr
+			makeChar <- lambda ptr
+		} andCode: :opaque makeChar {
+			glyphIndex <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_uint32_meta) NULL 0
+			charCode <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_uint32_meta) NULL 0
+			charCode num!: (FT_Get_First_Char: (opaque val) (addr_of: (glyphIndex num)))
+			ccall: makeChar 2 charCode glyphIndex
+		}
+		llMessage: getNextChar withVars: {
+			opaque <- cpointer ptr
+			ocurChar <- object ptr
+			curChar <- obj_uint32 ptr
+			glyphIndex <- obj_uint32 ptr
+			charCode <- obj_uint32 ptr
+			makeChar <- lambda ptr
+		} andCode: :opaque ocurChar makeChar {
+			curChar <- (mcall: uint32 1 ocurChar) castTo: (obj_uint32 ptr)
+			glyphIndex <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_uint32_meta) NULL 0
+			charCode <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_uint32_meta) NULL 0
+			charCode num!: (FT_Get_Next_Char: (opaque val) (curChar num) (addr_of: (glyphIndex num)))
+			ccall: makeChar 2 charCode glyphIndex
+		}
+	}
+	_makeSlot <- :opaque {
+		#{
+			llProperty: slot withType: FT_GlyphSlot
+			llMessage: _ptr_init withVars: {
+				opaque <- cpointer ptr
+			} andCode: :opaque {
+				slot <- opaque val
+				self
+			}
+			llMessage: linearHoriAdvance withVars: {
+				intret <- obj_int32 ptr
+			} andCode: {
+				intret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
+				intret num!: (slot linearHoriAdvance)
+				intret
+			}
+			llMessage: linearVertAdvance withVars: {
+				intret <- obj_int32 ptr
+			} andCode: {
+				intret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
+				intret num!: (slot linearVertAdvance)
+				intret
+			}
+			llMessage: bitmapTop withVars: {
+				intret <- obj_int32 ptr
+			} andCode: {
+				intret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
+				intret num!: (slot bitmap_top)
+				intret
+			}
+			llMessage: bitmapLeft withVars: {
+				intret <- obj_int32 ptr
+			} andCode: {
+				intret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
+				intret num!: (slot bitmap_left)
+				intret
+			}
+			llMessage: bitmapRows withVars: {
+				uintret <- obj_uint32 ptr
+			} andCode: {
+				uintret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_uint32_meta) NULL 0
+				uintret num!: ((addr_of: (slot bitmap)) rows)
+				uintret
+			}
+			llMessage: bitmapWidth withVars: {
+				uintret <- obj_uint32 ptr
+			} andCode: {
+				uintret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_uint32_meta) NULL 0
+				uintret num!: ((addr_of: (slot bitmap)) width)
+				uintret
+			}
+			llMessage: bitmapPitch withVars: {
+				intret <- obj_int32 ptr
+			} andCode: {
+				intret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_uint32_meta) NULL 0
+				intret num!: ((addr_of: (slot bitmap)) pitch)
+				intret
+			}
+			llMessage: bitmapData withVars: {
+				opaque <- cpointer ptr
+				size <- obj_int32 ptr
+			} andCode: {
+				opaque <- make_object: (addr_of: cpointer_meta) NULL 0
+				opaque val!: ((addr_of: (slot bitmap)) buffer)
+				size <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
+				size num!: ((addr_of: (slot bitmap)) rows) * ((addr_of: (slot bitmap)) pitch)
+				mcall: fromOpaque:withSize 3 bytearray opaque size
+			}
+			llMessage: renderGlyph withVars: {
+				omode <- object ptr
+				mode <- obj_uint32 ptr
+				intret <- obj_int32 ptr
+			} andCode: :omode {
+				mode <- (mcall: uint32 1 omode) castTo: (obj_uint32 ptr)
+				intret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
+				intret num!: (FT_Render_Glyph: slot (mode num))
+				intret
+			}
+		} _ptr_init: opaque
+	}
+	_makeChar <- :_charcode _glyph {
+		#{
+			charcode <- _charcode
+			glyph <- _glyph
+		}
+	}
+	_makeFace <- :opaque {
+		#{
+			llProperty: face withType: FT_Face
+			llProperty: makeSlot withType: (lambda ptr)
+			llMessage: _ptr_init withVars: {
+				opaque <- cpointer ptr
+				makeSlotLambda <- lambda ptr
+			} andCode: :opaque makeSlotLambda {
+				face <- opaque val
+				makeSlot <- makeSlotLambda
+				self
+			}
+			llMessage: faceOpaque withVars: {
+				opaque <- cpointer ptr
+			} andCode: {
+				opaque <- make_object: (addr_of: cpointer_meta) NULL 0
+				opaque val!: face
+				opaque
+			}
+			llMessage: setCharWidth:height:hRes:vRes withVars: {
+				ohsize <- object ptr
+				hsize <- obj_float32 ptr
+				ovsize <- object ptr
+				vsize <- obj_float32 ptr
+				ohres <- object ptr
+				hres <- obj_int32 ptr
+				ovres <- object ptr
+				vres <- obj_int32 ptr
+				intret <- obj_int32 ptr
+			} andCode: :ohsize ovsize :ohres :ovres {
+				hsize <- (mcall: f32 1 ohsize) castTo: (obj_float32 ptr)
+				vsize <- (mcall: f32 1 ovsize) castTo: (obj_float32 ptr)
+				hres <- (mcall: int32 1 ohres) castTo: (obj_int32 ptr)
+				vres <- (mcall: int32 1 ovres) castTo: (obj_int32 ptr)
+				intret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
+				intret num!: (FT_Set_Char_Size: face (hsize num) * 64 (vsize num) * 64 (hres num) (vres num))
+				intret
+			}
+			setCharSize:res <- :size :res {
+				setCharWidth: size height: size hRes: res vRes: res
+			}
+			llMessage: getCharIndex withVars: {
+				ocharcode <- object ptr
+				charcode <- obj_uint32 ptr
+				uintret <- obj_uint32 ptr
+			} andCode: :ocharcode {
+				charcode <- (mcall: uint32 1 ocharcode) castTo: (obj_uint32 ptr)
+				uintret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_uint32_meta) NULL 0
+				uintret num!: (FT_Get_Char_Index: face (charcode num))
+				uintret
+			}
+			llMessage: loadGlyph:flags withVars: {
+				oindex <- object ptr
+				index <- obj_uint32 ptr
+				oflags <- object ptr
+				flags <- obj_uint32 ptr
+				intret <- obj_int32 ptr
+			} andCode: :oindex :oflags {
+				index <- (mcall: uint32 1 oindex) castTo: (obj_uint32 ptr)
+				flags <- (mcall: uint32 1 oflags) castTo: (obj_uint32 ptr)
+				intret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
+				intret num!: (FT_Load_Glyph: face (index num) (flags num))
+				intret
+			}
+			llMessage: glyphSlot withVars: {
+				opaque <- cpointer ptr
+			} andCode: {
+				opaque <- make_object: (addr_of: cpointer_meta) NULL 0
+				opaque val!: (face glyph)
+				ccall: makeSlot 1 opaque
+			}
+			firstChar <- {
+				_helper getFirstChar: faceOpaque _makeChar
+			}
+			nextChar <- :curChar {
+				_helper getNextChar: faceOpaque curChar _makeChar
+			}
+			charmap <- {
+				d <- dict hash
+				char <- firstChar
+				d set: (char charcode) (char glyph)
+				while: { (char glyph) != 0u32 } do: {
+					char <- nextChar: (char charcode)
+					d set: (char charcode) (char glyph)
+				}
+				d
+			}
+		} _ptr_init: opaque _makeSlot
+	}
+	_constant <- macro: :name cname {
+		quote: (llMessage: name withVars: {
+			uintret <- obj_uint32 ptr
+		} andCode: {
+			uintret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_uint32_meta) NULL 0
+			uintret num!: cname
+			uintret
+		})
+	}
+	_loadFlags <- #{
+		_constant: default FT_LOAD_DEFAULT
+		_constant: noScale FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE
+		_constant: noHinting FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING
+		_constant: render FT_LOAD_RENDER
+		_constant: noBitmap FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP
+		_constant: verticalLayout FT_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT
+		_constant: forceAuthohint FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT
+		_constant: pedantic FT_LOAD_PEDANTIC
+		_constant: noRecurse FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE
+		_constant: ignoreTransform FT_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM
+		_constant: monochrome FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME
+		_constant: linearDesign FT_LOAD_LINEAR_DESIGN
+		_constant: noAutohint FT_LOAD_NO_AUTOHINT
+		_constant: color FT_LOAD_COLOR
+	}
+	#{
+		init <- {
+			#{
+				includeSystemHeader: "ft2build.h"
+				includeSystemHeader: FT_FREETYPE_H
+				llProperty: library withType: FT_Library
+				llMessage: _init withVars: {
+				} andCode: {
+					FT_Init_FreeType: (addr_of: library)
+					self
+				}
+				llMessage: libraryOpaque withVars: {
+					libOpaque <- cpointer ptr
+				} andCode: {
+					libOpaque <- make_object: (addr_of: cpointer_meta) NULL 0
+					libOpaque val!: library
+					libOpaque
+				}
+				faceFromPath:index <- :path :index {
+					(_helper newFace: libraryOpaque path index) value: :opaque {
+						option value: (_makeFace: opaque)
+					} none: {
+						option none
+					}
+				}
+				llMessage: destroy withVars: {
+				} andCode: {
+					FT_Done_FreeType: library
+					self
+				}
+			} _init
+		}
+		loadFlags <- { _loadFlags }
+	}
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