view modules/ @ 251:2557ce4e671f

Fix a couple of compiler bugs. topenv was getting initialized in multiple places. This resulted in multiple copies of modules getting created which caused problems for macro expansion. Additionally, arguments were not being marked as declared during code generation so assigning to an argument that was not closed over generated invalid C code.
author Michael Pavone <>
date Fri, 11 Apr 2014 22:29:32 -0700
parents f594e6836c44
line wrap: on
line source

	parseHex <- :text {
	response <- :_headers _status _sock _data {
		_open? <- true
		_body <- ""
		_length <- int32: (_headers get: "Content-Length" withDefault: "-1")
		_chunked? <- (_headers get: "Transfer-Encoding" withDefault: "") = "chunked"
		_code <- int32: _status
			headers <- { _headers }
			status <- { _status }
			statusCode <- { _code }
			body <- {
				if: _open? {
					if: _chunked? {
						chunkSize <- 0
						while: {
							canReceive <- true
							while: {
								pos <- _data find: "\r\n" else: { -1 }
								if: pos >= 0 {
									chunkSize <- (_data from: 0 withLength: pos) parseHex32
									_data <- _data from: pos + 2
								} else: {
							} do: {
								r <- (_sock recv: 4096)
								if: (r length) > 0 {
									_data <- _data . r
								} else: {
									canReceive <- false
							chunkSize > 0
						} do: {
							while: { (_data length) < chunkSize } do: {
								r <- _sock recv: 4096
								if: (r length) > 0 {
									_data <- _data . r
								} else: {
									chunkSize <- _data length
							_body <- _body . (_data from: 0 withLength: chunkSize)
					} else: {
						if: _length >= 0 {
							_body <- _data . (_sock recvAll: (_length - (_data byte_length)))
						} else: {
							chunk <- ""
							while: {
								chunk <- _sock recv: 4096
								(chunk length) > 0
							} do: {
								_data <- _data . chunk
							_body <- _data
					_data <- ""
			close <- {
				if: _open? {
					_sock close
					_open? <- false
	_handleResponse <- :sock {
		resp <- ""
		waiting <- true
		headerText <- ""
		rest <- ""
		status <- ""
		while: { waiting } do: {
			data <- sock recv: 4096
			resp <- resp . data
			pos <- resp find: "\r\n\r\n" else: { -1 }
			if: pos >= 0 {
				waiting <- false
				statusEnd <- resp find: "\r\n" else: { 0 }
				statusStart <- (resp find: " " else: { 0 }) + 1
				status <- resp from: statusStart withLength: (statusEnd - statusStart)
				headerText <- resp from: statusEnd + 2 withLength: pos - (statusEnd + 2)
				rest <- resp from: pos + 4
		headers <- (headerText splitOn: "\r\n") fold: (dict linear) with: :acc curLine{
			//TODO: support multiple headers with the same name
			part <- curLine partitionOn: ":"
			acc set: (trim: (part before)) (trim: (part after))

		response: headers status sock rest
		client:usingPort <- :address :port{
				get <- :path {
					sock <- socket connectTo: address onPort: port
					sock send: "GET " . path . " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " . address . "\r\n\r\n"
					_handleResponse: sock
				post:toPath:withType <- :body :path :type {
					sock <- socket connectTo: address onPort: port
					sock send: "POST " . path . " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " . address . "\r\nContent-Type: " . type . "\r\nContent-Length: " . (string: (body byte_length)) . "\r\n\r\n"
					sock send: body
					_handleResponse: sock

		client <- :address {
			client: address usingPort: 80