view modules/ @ 251:2557ce4e671f

Fix a couple of compiler bugs. topenv was getting initialized in multiple places. This resulted in multiple copies of modules getting created which caused problems for macro expansion. Additionally, arguments were not being marked as declared during code generation so assigning to an argument that was not closed over generated invalid C code.
author Michael Pavone <>
date Fri, 11 Apr 2014 22:29:32 -0700
parents b76f683d076e
children 004946743678
line wrap: on
line source

light:from:withLength <- :_base :_start :_len {
	if: (not: (_base isBasicString?)) {
		_start <- _start + (_base start)
		_base <- _base base
	_needsflat? <- true
	_flat <- false
		//TODO: UTF-8 support
		length <- { _len }
		byte_length <- { _len }
		string <- {
			if: _needsflat? {
				_flat <- _base from: _start withLength: _len
		from:withLength <- :s :l {
			if: (l + s) > _len {
				l <- _len - s
			_base from: (_start + s) withLength: l
		from <- :s {
			from: s withLength: (_len - s)
		byte <- :index {
			_base byte: (index + _start)
		= <- :other {
			if: (other length) = _len {
				ostart <- 0
				if: (not: (other isBasicString?)) {
					ostart <- other start
					other <- other _base
				res <- _base compareSub: other _start ostart _len
				res = 0
		. <- :other {
			(string: self) . other
		int32 <- {
			(string: self) int32
		splitOn <- :delim {
			(string: self) splitOn: delim
		isString? <- { true }
		isBasicString? <- { false }
		base <- { _base }
		start <- { _start }

light:from <- :base :start {
	light: base from: start withLength: (base length) - start
_applyMatch <- :fun tomatch {
		fun: tomatch
_matchString <- :str tomatch {
	if: (tomatch isString?) {
		if: (tomatch length) < (str length) {
		} else: {
			if: (tomatch length) > (str length) {
				tomatch <- tomatch from: 0 withLength: (str length)
			if: tomatch = str {
					if <- :self trueblock {
					ifnot <- :self falseblock {
					if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
					matchlen <- { str length }
					basicYield? <- { true }
					yield <- { str }
			} else: {
	} else: {
_makeMatchCall <- :matchexpr {
	if: (matchexpr nodeType) = "lambda" {
			valid? <- { true }
			matchcall <- quote: (_applyMatch: matchexpr tomatch)
	} else: {
		if: (matchexpr nodeType) = "symbol" {
				valid? <- { true }
				matchcall <- quote: (matchexpr: tomatch)
		} else: {
			if: (matchexpr nodeType) = "strlit" {
					valid? <- { true }
					matchcall <- quote: (_matchString: matchexpr tomatch)
			} else: {
				if: (matchexpr nodeType) = "op" {
					if: (matchexpr opName) = "." {
						left <- (_makeMatchCall: (matchexpr left)) matchcall
						right <- (_makeMatchCall: (matchexpr right)) matchcall
							valid? <- { true }
							matchcall <- quote: (_applyMatch: :tomatch {
								lm <- left
								if: lm {
									orig <- tomatch
									tomatch <- light: tomatch from: (lm matchlen)
									rm <- right
									if: rm {
										total <- (rm matchlen) + (lm matchlen)
											if <- :self trueblock {
											ifnot <- :self falseblock {
											if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
											matchlen <- { total }
											basicYield? <- { true }
											yield <- { orig from: 0 withLength: total }
									} else: {
								} else: {
							} tomatch)
					} else: {
							valid? <- { false }
							message <- "Unsupported operator " . (matchexpr opName)
				} else: {
						valid? <- { false }
						message <- "Unsupported AST node type " . (matchexpr nodeType)
_nPlus <- :matchexpr min {
	funexpr <- false
	valid <- false
	mc <- _makeMatchCall: matchexpr
	if: (mc valid?) {
		mcall <- mc matchcall
		quote: :tomatch {
			cur <- 0
			count <- 0
			n <- tomatch byte_length
			orig <- tomatch
			_match <- true
			allBasic? <- true
			yieldvals <- []
			while: { _match && cur < n } do: {
				res <- mcall
				_match <- if: res {
					count <- count + 1
					//TODO: Use some kind of lightweight substring wrapper here
					tomatch <- light: tomatch from: (res matchlen)
					if: allBasic? {
						ifnot: (res basicYield?) {
							allBasic? <- false
							if: cur > 0 {
								yieldvals <- (orig from: 0 withLength: cur) | yieldvals
							yieldvals <- (res yield) | yieldvals
					} else: {
						yieldvals <- (res yield) | yieldvals
					allBasic? <- allBasic? && (res basicYield?)
					cur <- cur + (res matchlen)
			if: count >= min {
				if: allBasic? {
						if <- :self trueblock {
						ifnot <- :self falseblock {
						if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
						matchlen <- { cur }
						basicYield? <- { true }
						yield <- { orig from: 0 withLength: cur }
				} else: {
					yieldvals <- yieldvals reverse
						if <- :self trueblock {
						ifnot <- :self falseblock {
						if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
						matchlen <- { cur }
						basicYield? <- { false }
						yield <- { yieldvals }
			} else: {
	} else: {
		print: "#error Invalid nPlus macro call: " . (mc message) . "\n"
_expandClass <- :chars {
	if: (chars length) > 0 {
		pos <- 0
		inverted <- false
		if: (chars byte: 0) = ("^" byte: 0) {
			pos <- 1
			inverted <- true
		state_begin <- 0
		state_normal <- 1
		state_rangeend <- 2
		state <- state_begin
		out <- ""
		while: { pos < (chars byte_length)} do: {
			if: state = state_begin {
				out <- out . (chars from: pos withLength: 1)
				state <- state_normal
			} else: {
				if: state = state_normal {
					if: (chars byte: pos) = ("-" byte: 0) {
						state <- state_rangeend
					} else: {
						out <- out . (chars from: pos withLength: 1)
				} else: {
					rangestart <- out byte: ((out byte_length) - 1)
					rangeend <- chars byte: pos
					if: rangeend < rangestart {
						tmp <- rangeend
						rangeend <- rangestart
						rangestart <- tmp
					out <- out from: 0 withLength: ((out length) - 1)
					while: { rangestart <= rangeend } do: {
						out <- out . (rangestart asStringChar)
						rangestart <- rangestart + 1
					state <- state_begin
			pos <- pos + 1
		if: inverted {
			old <- out
			out <- ""
			cur <- 0
			while: { cur < 256 } do: {
				notfound <- true
				idx <- 0
				len <- (old length)
				while: { notfound && idx < len } do: {
					if: cur = (old byte: idx) {
						notfound <- false
					} else: {
						idx <- idx + 1
				if: notfound {
					out <- out . (cur asStringChar)
				cur <- cur + 1
	} else: {
_charClass <- :chars {
	orig <- chars
	chars <- _expandClass: chars
	charmap <- ""
	char <- 0
	while: { char < 256 } do: {
		mchar <- 0
		found <- false
		while: { mchar < (chars byte_length)} do: {
			if: (chars byte: mchar) = char {
				found <- true
				mchar <- chars byte_length
			mchar <- mchar + 1
		charmap <- charmap . (if: found { "t" } else: { "f" })
		char <- char + 1
	t <- "t" byte: 0
	quote: :tomatch {
		if: (tomatch isString?) {
			if: (charmap byte: (tomatch byte: 0)) = t {
					if <- :self trueblock {
					ifnot <- :self falseblock {
					if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
					matchlen <- { 1 }
					basicYield? <- { true }
					yield <- { tomatch from: 0 withLength: 1 }
			} else: {
		} else: {
	charClass <- macro: :rawchars {
		eval: rawchars :chars {
			_charClass: chars
		} else: {
			print: "#error Argument to charClass macro must be a compile-time constant\n"

	zeroPlus <- macro: :matchexpr {
		_nPlus: matchexpr 0

	onePlus <- macro: :matchexpr {
		_nPlus: matchexpr 1

	matchOne <- macro: :options {
		options <- (options value) map: :option {
			_makeMatchCall: option
		body <- options foldr: (quote: false) with: :acc el {
			if: (el valid?) {
				mcall <- el matchcall
				quote: (ifnot: mcall { acc })
			} else: {
				print: "#error Invalid matchOne macro call: " . (el message) . "\n"
		quote: :tomatch {

	match <- macro: :matchexpr {
		mc <- _makeMatchCall: matchexpr
		if: (mc valid?) {
			mcall <- mc matchcall
			quote: :tomatch {
		} else: {
			print: "#error Invalid macth macro call: " . (mc message) . "\n"

	match:yield <- macro: :matchexpr :ylambda {
		mc <- _makeMatchCall: matchexpr
		if: (mc valid?) {
			mcall <- mc matchcall
			quote: :tomatch {
				res <- mcall
				if: res {
						if <- :self trueblock {
						ifnot <- :self falseblock {
						if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
						matchlen <- { res matchlen }
						basicYield? <- { false }
						yield <- ylambda
				} else: {
		} else: {
			print: "#error Invalid macth:yield macro call: " . (mc message) . "\n"

	match:where:yield <- macro: :matchexpr :whereclause :ylambda {
		syms <- []
		withwhere <- (whereclause expressions) fold: (quote: :tomatch {}) with: :acc el {

			if: (el nodeType) = "assignment" {
				valassign <- quote: (val <- false)
				valsym <- (valassign) symbol
				valsym <- valsym name!: (valsym name) . ((el symbol) name)
				valassign <- valassign symbol!: valsym
				acc addExpression: valassign

				matchassign <- quote: (hasmatch <- false)
				matchsym <- (matchassign) symbol
				matchsym <- matchsym name!: (matchsym name) . ((el symbol) name)
				matchassign <- matchassign symbol!: matchsym
				acc addExpression: matchassign

				mc <- _makeMatchCall: (el expression)

				if: (mc valid?) {
					mcall <- mc matchcall
					matchfun <- quote: :tomatch {
						if: matchsym {
							if: valsym = tomatch {
									if <- :self trueblock {
									ifnot <- :self falseblock {
									if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
									matchlen <- { valsym length }
									basicYield? <- { true } //TODO: Check if this is correct
									yield <- { valsym }
							} else: {
						} else: {
							mr <- mcall
							if: mr {
								matchsym <- true
								valsym <- (mr yield)
					acc <- acc addExpression: (el expression!: matchfun)
					syms <- list node: #{
						orig <- el symbol
						matchval <- valsym
					} withTail: syms
				} else: {
					print: "#error " . ((el symbol) name) . " does not have a valid match expression: " . (mc message) . "\n"

			} else: {
				print: "#error Nodes of type " . (el nodeType) . " are not allowed in match where clauses\n"
		mcMain <- _makeMatchCall: matchexpr
		if: (mcMain valid?) {
			mcall <- mcMain matchcall
			withwhere addExpression: (quote: (matchres <- mcall))
			successLambda <- quote: {
				//Extra assignments will be added here
				mlen <- matchres matchlen
					if <- :self trueblock {
					ifnot <- :self falseblock {
					if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
					matchlen <- { mlen }
					basicYield? <- { false }
					yield <- ylambda
			sucexp <- syms fold: (successLambda expressions) with: :acc el {
				lsym <- el orig
				rsym <- el matchval
				(quote: (lsym <- rsym)) | acc
			successLambda <- successLambda expressions!: sucexp
			withwhere addExpression: (quote: (if: matchres successLambda else: {
		} else: {
			print: "#error Error in main match expression of match:where:yield: " . (mcMain message) . "\n"

	binaryOps:withHigherPrec <- macro: :oplist :higher {
		quote: (match: Left . Pieces where: {
			Left <- match: higher
			Pieces <- zeroPlus: (match: hws . Op . Right where: {
				Op <- matchOne: oplist
				Right <- match: higher
			} yield: {
					op <- Op
					right <- Right
		} yield: {
			_processOpPieces: Left Pieces

	opexpr <- binaryOps: ["&&" "||"] withHigherPrec: compare
	compare <- binaryOps: ["<=" ">=" "<" ">" "=" "!="] withHigherPrec: maybecons
	maybecons <- matchOne: [
	consop <- match: Left . hws . "|" . Right where: {
		Left <- match: addsub
		Right <- match: maybecons
	} yield: {
		ast binaryOp: "|" withArgs: Left Right
	addsub <- binaryOps: ["+" "-" "."] withHigherPrec: muldiv
	muldiv <- binaryOps: ["*" "/" "%"] withHigherPrec: primlitsym

	_alpha <- charClass: "a-zA-Z"
	alpha <- zeroPlus: _alpha
	alphaNum <- zeroPlus: (charClass: "a-zA-Z0-9")

	blockComment <- match: "/*" . (zeroPlus: (matchOne: [(charClass: "^*") "*" . (charClass: "^/")])) . "*/" yield: { false }

	hws <- zeroPlus: (matchOne: [
		(charClass: " \t")

	ws <- zeroPlus: (matchOne: [
		(charClass: " \n\t\r")
		"//" . (zeroPlus: (charClass: "^\n")) . "\n"

	escape <- matchOne: [
		(match: "\\n" yield: {"\n"})
		(match: "\\r" yield: {"\n"})
		(match: "\\t" yield: {"\n"})
		(match: "\\\\" yield: {"\\"})
		(match: "\\\"" yield: {"\""})

	string <- match: "\"" . Chars . "\"" where: {
		Chars  <- zeroPlus: (matchOne: [
			match: Reg where: { Reg <- charClass: "^\"\\" } yield: { Reg }
	} yield: {
		if: (Chars length) = 0 {
			Chars <- []
		ast stringLit: (Chars join: "")

	bdigit <- matchOne: [
		(match: "0" yield: {0i64})
		(match: "1" yield: {1i64})

	digit <- matchOne: [
		(match: "2" yield: {2i64})
		(match: "3" yield: {3i64})
		(match: "4" yield: {4i64})
		(match: "5" yield: {5i64})
		(match: "6" yield: {6i64})
		(match: "7" yield: {7i64})
		(match: "8" yield: {8i64})
		(match: "9" yield: {9i64})

	hdigit <- matchOne: [
		(match: (charClass: "aA") yield: {10i64})
		(match: (charClass: "bB") yield: {11i64})
		(match: (charClass: "cC") yield: {12i64})
		(match: (charClass: "dD") yield: {13i64})
		(match: (charClass: "eE") yield: {14i64})
		(match: (charClass: "fF") yield: {15i64})

	binary <- match: "0b" . Digits . Suffix where: {
		Digits <- onePlus: bdigit
		Suffix <- matchOne: [
			(charClass: "ui") . (matchOne: ["8" "16" "32" "64"])
	} yield: {
		num <- Digits fold: 0 with: :acc el {
			acc * 2i64 + el
		signed <- true
		litbits <- 32
		if: (Suffix length) > 0 {
			if: (Suffix from: 0 withLength: 1) = "u" {
				signed <- false
			litbits <- (Suffix from: 1) int32
		ast intLit: num withBits: litbits andBase: 2 signed?: signed

	decimal <- match: Sign . Digits . Suffix where: {
		Sign <- matchOne: ["-" ""]
		Digits <- onePlus: digit
		Suffix <- matchOne: [
			(charClass: "ui") . (matchOne: ["8" "16" "32" "64"])
	} yield: {
		num <- Digits fold: 0 with: :acc el {
			acc * 10i64 + el
		if: Sign = "-" {
			num <- 0i64 - num
		signed <- true
		litbits <- 32
		if: (Suffix length) > 0 {
			if: (Suffix from: 0 withLength: 1) = "u" {
				signed <- false
			litbits <- (Suffix from: 1) int32
		ast intLit: num withBits: litbits andBase: 10 signed?: signed

	hexlit <- match: "0x" . Digits . Suffix where: {
		Digits <- onePlus: hdigit
		Suffix <- matchOne: [
			(charClass: "ui") . (matchOne: ["8" "16" "32" "64"])
	} yield: {
		num <- Digits fold: 0 with: :acc el {
			acc * 16i64 + el
		signed <- true
		litbits <- 32
		if: (Suffix length) > 0 {
			if: (Suffix from: 0 withLength: 1) = "u" {
				signed <- false
			litbits <- (Suffix from: 1) int32
		ast intLit: num withBits: litbits andBase: 16 signed?: signed

	symexpr <- match: Name where: {
		Name <- match: (onePlus: (charClass: "a-zA-Z_@!?")) . (zeroPlus: ((matchOne: [":" ""]) . (charClass: "a-zA-Z_@!?0-9")))
	} yield: {
		ast symbol: Name

	namepart <- match: hws . Symbol . ":" where: {
		Symbol <- match: symexpr
	} yield: {
			isNamePart? <- { true }
			val <- Symbol name

	argpart <- matchOne: [
		match: namepart
		match: Arg where: {
			Arg <- opexpr
		} yield: {
				isNamePart? <- { false }
				val <- Arg

	funcall <- match: hws . Initial . Parts where: {
		Initial <- match: namepart
		Parts <- zeroPlus: argpart
	} yield: {
		if: (Parts length) = 0 {
			Parts <- []
		combined <- Initial | Parts foldr: #{
			name <- ""
			args <- []
		} with: :acc el {
			nextName <- acc name
			nextArgs <- acc args
			if: (el isNamePart?) {
				nextName <- if: ((acc name) length) > 0 { (el val) . ":" . (acc name) } else: { el val }
			} else: {
				nextArgs <- (el val) | nextArgs
				name <- nextName
				args <- nextArgs
		ast funcall: (ast symbol: (combined name)) withArgs: (combined args) hasReceiver?: false

	unarymeth <- match: Receiver . hws . Method where: {
		Receiver <- match: opexpr
		Method <- match: symexpr
	} yield: {
		ast funcall: Method withArgs: [Receiver] hasReceiver?: true

	methcall <- match: Receiver . hws . Rest where: {
		Receiver <- match: opexpr
		Rest <- match: funcall
	} yield: {
		ast funcall: (Rest tocall) withArgs: Receiver | (Rest args) hasReceiver?: true
	_processOpPieces <- :Left Pieces {
		if: (Pieces length) > 0 {
			Pieces fold: Left with: :acc piece {
				ast binaryOp: (piece op) withArgs: acc (piece right)
		} else: {

	expr <- match: (hws . Expr . ws) where: {
		Expr <- matchOne: [
	} yield: {

	lexpr <- match: (hws . Expr . ws) where: {
		Expr <- matchOne: [
	} yield: {

	opsym <- match: Name where: {
		Name <- matchOne: ["&&" "||" "<=" ">=" "<" ">" "=" "!=" "=" "-" "." "*" "/" "%" "|"]
	} yield: {
			name <- Name
			string <- {

	assignment <- match: ws . Symbol . hws . "<-" . Expr where: {
		Symbol <- matchOne: [
		Expr <- match: expr
	} yield: {
		ast assign: Expr to: Symbol

	object <- match: "#{" . ws . Messages . "}" where: {
		Messages <- zeroPlus: (match: ws . El where: {
			El <- matchOne: [
		} yield: { El })
	} yield: {
		if: (Messages length) = 0 {
			Messages <- []
		ast object: Messages

	listlit <- match: "[" . ws . Els . "]" where: {
		Els <- zeroPlus: lexpr
	} yield: {
		//Handle limitation of zeroPlus macro
		if: (Els length) = 0 {
			Els <- []
		ast seqLit: Els array?: false

	arraylit <- match: "#[" . ws . Els . "]" where: {
		Els <- zeroPlus: lexpr
	} yield: {
		//Handle limitation of zeroPlus macro
		if: (Els length) = 0 {
			Els <- []
		ast seqLit: Els array?: true

	argname <- match: hws . Pre . Initial . Rest where: {
		Pre <- matchOne: [":" ""]
		Initial <- onePlus: (charClass: "a-zA-Z_!?@")
		Rest <- zeroPlus: (charClass: "a-zA-Z_!?@0-9")
	} yield: {
		Pre . Initial . Rest

	lambda <- match: hws . Arglist . hws . "{" . ws . Exprs . "}" where: {
		Arglist <- matchOne: [
			match: ":" . First . Rest where: {
				First <- match: symexpr
				Rest <- zeroPlus: argname
			} yield: {
				if: (Rest length) = 0 {
					Rest <- []
				":" . (First name) | Rest
			match: "" yield: { [] }
		Exprs <- zeroPlus: expr
	} yield: {
		if: (Exprs length) = 0 {
			Exprs <- []
		ast lambda: Exprs withArgs: Arglist

	parenexp <- match: "(" . ws . Expr . ws . ")" where: {
		Expr <- match: expr
	} yield: {

	primlitsym <- match: hws . Lit where: {
		Lit <- matchOne: [
	} yield: {

	top <- matchOne: [

	testmatchintlit <- :tomatch matchfun {
		res <- matchfun: tomatch
		if: res {
			y <- res yield
			print: tomatch . " matched with litval " . (y val) . ", bits " . (y bits) . " and singned? " . (y signed?) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: tomatch . " did not match\n"

	main <- :args {
		cmatch <- alpha: "czx0123"
		zeromatch <- alpha: "01234"
		if: cmatch {
			print: "czx0123 matched with length " . (cmatch matchlen) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: "czx0123 didn't match\n"
		if: zeromatch {
			print: "0123 matched with length " . (zeromatch matchlen) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: "0123 didn't match\n"
		zeromatchanum <- alphaNum: "01234"
		if: zeromatchanum {
			print: "01234 matched with length " . (zeromatchanum matchlen) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: "01234 didn't match\n"
		stuff <- " \t/* blah blah blah * blah */ foo"
		hwsmatch <- hws: stuff
		if: hwsmatch {
			print: "'" . (stuff from: (hwsmatch matchlen)) . "' found after hws\n"
		} else: {
			print: stuff . " did not match hws rule\n"
		tmatch <- digit: "3"
		if: tmatch {
			print: "3 matched with yield " . (tmatch yield) . ", yield + 1 = " . ((tmatch yield) + 1) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: "3 did not match\n"

		testmatchintlit: "345" :s {decimal: s}
		testmatchintlit: "-567" :s {decimal: s}
		testmatchintlit: "123u16" :s {decimal: s}
		testmatchintlit: "0x20" :s {hexlit: s}
		testmatchintlit: "0x42u64" :s {hexlit: s}
		testmatchintlit: "0b10101" :s {binary: s}
		code <- "#{ foo <- 123 > 0x42 && 42 < 104\n bar <- 0xABC + 0b1010101\n baz <- 0b1010 * 5\n qux <- fo: 38 shizzle: bam\n quine <- 123 | [4 5 6 fiddle sticks]\n quizzle <- #[receiver meth: arg]\n blah <- :arg arg2 :arg3 { arg + arg2 + arg3 }}"
		if: (args length) > 1 {
			file <- os open: (args get: 1) (os O_RDONLY)
			code <- ""
			chunksize <- 1024
			readsize <- chunksize
			while: { readsize = chunksize} do: {
				seg <- os read: file chunksize
				code <- code . seg
				readsize <- seg byte_length
		codem <- top: code
		if: codem {
			print: code . "\nmatched with yield:\n" . (codem yield) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: code . "\ndid not match\n"