view types.js @ 251:2557ce4e671f

Fix a couple of compiler bugs. topenv was getting initialized in multiple places. This resulted in multiple copies of modules getting created which caused problems for macro expansion. Additionally, arguments were not being marked as declared during code generation so assigning to an argument that was not closed over generated invalid C code.
author Michael Pavone <>
date Fri, 11 Apr 2014 22:29:32 -0700
parents 09b65b364927
line wrap: on
line source

function anytype() {};
anytype.prototype.satisfiedBy = function(type) {
	return true;
anytype.prototype.str = function(indent) {
	if (indent === undefined) {
		indent = '';
	return indent + 'any\n';
}; = 0;
anytype.prototype.callable = true;
anytype.prototype.replaceParams = function() { return this; };
var any = new anytype();

function typeparam(name, base)
{ = name;
	this.base = base;
	this.callable = base.callable;
typeparam.prototype.replaceParams = function(paramtypes) {
	if (!( in paramtypes)) {
		return this;
	if (!this.base.satisfiedBy(paramtypes[])) {
		throw new Error('param ' + + ' has base type ' + this.base.str() + ' which is not satisfied by ' + paramtypes[].str());
	return paramtypes[];
typeparam.prototype.satisfiedBy = function(type) {
	return this.base.satisfiedBy(type);
typeparam.prototype.str = function(indent) {
	return indent + 'param ' + + '\n';

var nexttypeid = 1;

function objecttype()
	this.messages = {}; = nexttypeid++;
	this.typeparams = [];
	this.satisfies_cache = {};
	this.satisfies_cache[] = true;

objecttype.prototype.callable = false;

objecttype.prototype.addMessage = function(name, type)
	this.messages[name] = type;

objecttype.prototype.satisfiedBy = function(type) {
	if ( in this.satisfies_cache) {
		return this.satisfies_cache[];
	//temporarily set cache entry to true to prevent infinite recursion
	this.satisfies_cache[] = true;
	var ret = true;
	if (type.messages === undefined) {
		ret = false;
	if (ret) {
		for (var msgname in this.messages) {
			if (!(msgname in type.messages) || !this.messages[msgname].satisfiedBy(type.messages[msgname])) {
				ret = false;
	this.satisfies_cache[] = ret;
	return ret;

objecttype.prototype.str = function(indent) {
	if (indent === undefined) {
		indent = '';
	if (indent.length > 6) {
		return 'max depth reached\n';
	var newindent = indent + '\t';
	var childindent = newindent + '\t'
	var ret = indent + 'objectype {\n';
	for (var msgname in this.messages) {
		ret += newindent + msgname + ':\n' + this.messages[msgname].str(childindent)
	return ret + indent + '}\n';

objecttype.prototype.replaceParams = function(paramtypes, visited) {
	if (visited === undefined) {
		visited = {};
	if ( in visited) {
		return visited[];
	var me = visited[] = this.clone();
	for (var msgname in this.messages) {
		me.messages[msgname] = me.messages[msgname].replaceParams(paramtypes, visited);
	return me;

objecttype.prototype.clone = function() {
	var clone = new objecttype();
	for (var msgname in this.messages) {
		clone.messages[msgname] = this.messages[msgname];
	clone.typeparams = this.typeparams;
	return clone;

function lambdatype()
{ = nexttypeid++;
	this.messages = {};
	this.params = [];
	this.paramlu = {};
	this.typeparams = [];
	this.returntype = any;
	this.satisfies_cache = {};
	this.satisfies_cache[] = true;

lambdatype.prototype.callable = true;

lambdatype.prototype.addParam = function(name) {
	this.paramlu[name] = this.params.length;

lambdatype.prototype.paramType = function(name, type) {
	this.params[this.paramlu[name]] = type;

lambdatype.prototype.addMessage = function(name, type)
	this.messages[name] = type;

lambdatype.prototype.satisfiedBy = function(type) {
	if ( in this.satisfies_cache) {
		return this.satisfies_cache[];
	//temporarily set cache entry to true to prevent infinite recursion
	this.satisfies_cache[] = true;
	var ret = true;
	if (!(type.callable) || this.params.length != type.params.length) {
		ret = false;
	if (ret) {
		for (var i in this.params) {
			if (i >= type.params.length || !type.params[i].satisfiedBy(this.params[i])) {
				ret = false;
	if (ret) {
		for (var msgname in this.messages) {
			if (!(msgname in type.messages) || !this.messages[msgname].satisfiedBy(type.messages[msgname])) {
				ret = false;
	ret = ret && this.returntype.satisfiedBy(type.returntype);
	this.satisfies_cache[] = ret;
	return ret;

lambdatype.prototype.str = function(indent) {
	if (indent === undefined) {
		indent = '';
	if (indent.length > 6) {
		return 'max depth reached\n';
	var newindent = indent + '\t';
	var childindent = newindent + '\t'
	var ret = indent + 'lambdatype {\n' + newindent + 'params: {\n';
	for (var i = 0; i < this.params.length; i++) {
		ret += childindent + i + ':\n' + this.params[i].str(childindent + '\t');
	ret += newindent + '}\n' + newindent + 'returntype:\n' + this.returntype.str(childindent);
	for (var msgname in this.messages) {
		ret += newindent + msgname + ':\n' + this.messages[msgname].str(childindent)
	return ret + indent + '}\n';

lambdatype.prototype.replaceParams = function(paramtypes, visited) {
	if (visited === undefined) {
		visited = {};
	if ( in visited) {
		return visited[];
	var me = visited[] = this.clone();
	for (var msgname in me.messages) {
		me.messages[msgname] = me.messages[msgname].replaceParams(paramtypes, visited);
	for (var i in me.params) {
		me.params[i] = me.params[i].replaceParams(paramtypes, visited);
	me.returntype = me.returntype.replaceParams(paramtypes, visited);
	return me;

lambdatype.prototype.clone = function() {
	var clone = new lambdatype();
	for (var msgname in this.messages) {
		clone.messages[msgname] = this.messages[msgname];
	clone.paramlu = this.paramlu;
	clone.params = this.params.slice(0, this.params.length);
	clone.returntype = this.returntype;
	clone.typeparams = this.typeparams;
	return clone;

function uniontype(a, b)
	this.a = a;
	this.b = b; = nexttypeid++;
	this.satisfies_cache = null;

uniontype.prototype = {
	lazyinit: function() {
		if (this.satisfies_cache == null) {
			this.satisfies_cache = {};
			this.satisfies_cache[] = true;
			this._messages = {};
			if (this.a.messages !== undefined && this.b.messages !== undefined) {
				for (var msgname in this.a.messages) {
					if (msgname in this.b.messages) {
						this._messages[msgname] = mkunion(this.a.messages[msgname], this.b.messages[msgname]);
			this._callable = false;
			if (this.a.callable && this.b.callable && this.a.params.length == this.b.params.length) {
				this._callable = true;
				this._params = [];
				for (var i = 0; i < this.a.params.length; i++) {
					this._params.push(mkunion(this.a.params[i], this.b.params[i]));
				this._returntype = mkunion(this.a.returntype, this.b.returntype);
	satisfiedBy: function(type)
		if ( in this.satisfies_cache) {
			return this.satisfies_cache[];
		this.satisfies_cache[] = true;
		var ret = this.a.satisfiedBy(type) || this.b.satisfiedBy(type);
		this.satisfies_cache[] = ret;
		return ret;
	str: function(indent)
		if (indent === undefined) {
			indent = '';
		if (indent.length > 6) {
			return 'max depth reached\n';
		return indent + 'Union {\n\t' + indent + this.a.str(indent+'\t') + '\t' + indent + this.b.str(indent+'\t') + indent + '}\n';
	replaceParams: function(paramtypes, visited) {
		if (visited === undefined) {
			visited = {};
		if ( in visited) {
			return visited[];
		var me = visited[] = this.clone();
		me.a = me.a.replaceParams(paramtypes, visited);
		me.b = me.b.replaceParams(paramtypes, visited);
		return me;
	clone: function() {
		return new uniontype(this.a, this.b);
	get messages() {
		return this._messages;
	get params() {
		return this._params;
	get returntype() {
		return this._returntype;
	get callable() {
		return this._callable;

function mkunion(a, b)
	//if b is a subtype of a, then a | b is equivalent to a
	if (a.satisfiedBy(b)) {
		return a;
	//if a is a subtype of b, then a | b is equivalent to b
	if (b.satisfiedBy(a)) {
		return b;
	return new uniontype(a, b);

function withtparams(type, params)
	this.type = type;
	this.params = params;
	this.replaced = false;

withtparams.prototype = {
	satisfiedBy: function(type) {
		return this.type.satisfiedBy(type);
	str: function(indent) {
		if (indent === undefined) {
			indent = '';
		if (indent.length > 6) {
			return 'max depth reached\n';
		return this.type.str(indent) + indent + '<' + { return p.str(indent); }).join(', ') + '>';
	replaceParams: function(paramtypes) {
		var replaced = false;
		for (var i in this.params) {
			var newp = this.params[i].replaceParams(paramtypes);
			if (newp != this.params[i]) {
				replaced = true;
				this.params[i] = newp;
		return this;
	lazyinit: function() {
		if (!this.replaced) {
			var childptypes = {};
			for (var i in this.type.typeparams) {
				childptypes[this.type.typeparams[i]] = this.params[i]
			this.type = this.type.replaceParams(childptypes, {});
			this.replaced = true;
	get messages() {
		return this.type.messages;

object.prototype.toType = function(parent) {
	var me = new objecttype();
	for (var i in this.messages) {
	return me;

lambda.prototype.toType = function(parent) {
	var me = new lambdatype();
	for (var i in this.args) {
	for (var i in this.expressions) {
	return me;

funcall.prototype.toType = function(parent) {
	var name =[] == ':' ?, :;
	case 'typeParam':
	case 'isa':

assignment.prototype.toObjectType = function(parent) {
	if (this.expression.instanceof lambda) {
		parent.addMessage(, this.expression.toType(parent));
	} else {
		var valtype = this.expression.toType(parent);
		var getter = new lambdatype();
		getter.returntype = valtype;
		var setter = new lambdatype();
		setter.paramType('val', valtype);
		setter.returntype = parent;
		parent.addMessage(, setter);

function typetest()
	var foo = new objecttype();
	var msgtype = new lambdatype();
	msgtype.returntype = foo;
	foo.addMessage('bar', msgtype);
	var baz = new objecttype();
	var msgtype2 = new lambdatype();
	msgtype2.paramType('fo', foo);
	msgtype2.returntype = baz;
	baz.addMessage('bar', msgtype2);
	baz.addMessage('qux', msgtype);
	var shizzle = new objecttype();
	shizzle.addMessage('bar', msgtype);
	shizzle.addMessage('boo', msgtype);
	return {foo: foo, baz: baz, shizzle: shizzle};

function paramtypetest()
	var empty = new objecttype();
	var tlnode = new objecttype();
	tlnode.typeparams = ['T'];
	var t = new typeparam('T', any);
	var q = new typeparam('Q', any);
	var head = new lambdatype();
	head.returntype = t;
	tlnode.addMessage('head', head);
	var tail = new lambdatype();
	var econs = new lambdatype();
	econs.typeparams = ['Q'];
	econs.paramType('val', q);
	econs.returntype = new withtparams(tlnode, [q]);
	empty.addMessage('cons', econs);
	tail.returntype = new uniontype(new withtparams(tlnode, [t]), empty);
	tlnode.addMessage('tail', tail);
	var cons = new lambdatype();
	cons.paramType('val', t);
	cons.returntype = new withtparams(tlnode, [t]);
	tlnode.addMessage('cons', cons);
	return {empty: empty, tlnode: tlnode};