view @ 25:4d87c38404d6

List literals, fixes to implicit self property lookup, import statement and editor improvements
author Mike Pavone <>
date Mon, 02 Apr 2012 22:28:48 -0700
parents fe3533494ce9
children 93bbc4c8be95
line wrap: on
line source

//mquery functions
q <- foreign: :query {}
qall <- foreign: :query {}
each <- foreign: :iterable fun {}
addClass <- foreign: :node className {}
removeClass <- foreign: :node className {}
get <- foreign: :url onSuccess onFail onOther {}
newEl <- foreign: :tagname props {}

//TP Parser
parser <- foreign: #{
	parse <- foreign: :str {}
isLambda <- foreign: :astnode {}

//js builtins
console <- foreign: #{
	log <- foreign: :val {}
window <- foreign: #{}
Object <- foreign: #{
	keys <- foreign: :object {}

//kernel definitions
true <- #{
  if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {

false <- #{
  if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {

filter <- :arr pred {
	output <- arr slice: 0 0
	each: arr :idx el {
		if: (pred: el) {
			output push: el
		} else: {}

//editor code
editFile <- :path {
	get: path :request {
		addClass: (q: "body") "editorMode"
		src <- request responseText
		console log: src
		ast <- parser parse: src
		console log: ast
		ast populateSymbols: (foreign: null)
		ast toHTML: (q: "#src")

selectNode <- :node {
	each: (qall: ".selected") :idx el {
		removeClass: el "selected"
	addClass: node "selected"

selectQuery <- :selector {
	selectQuery: selector in: (foreign: undefined)

selectQuery:in <- :selector :context {
	each: (qall: ".selected") :idx el {
		removeClass: el "selected"
	each: (qall: selector context) :idx el {
		addClass: el "selected"

selectParent <- :node {
	each: (qall: ".selectParent") :idx el {
		removeClass: el "selected"
	addClass: (node parentNode) "selectParent"

popInscope:onClick <- :syms :handler {
	inscope <- q: "#inscope"
	inscope innerHTML!: ""
	each: syms :idx key {
		inscope appendChild: (newEl: "li" #{
			textContent <- key
			onclick <- { handler: key }

symbolClick <- :domnode astnode {
	console log: astnode
	selectNode: domnode
	popInscope: ((astnode symbols) allSymbols) onClick: :key {
		domnode textContent!: key
		astnode name!: key

funClick <- :domnode astnode {
	selectParent: domnode
	selectQuery: ".selectParent > .funpart" in: (domnode parentNode)
	symtable <- astnode symbols
	syms <- filter: (symtable allSymbols) :sym {
		isLambda: ((symtable find: sym) def)
	popInscope: syms

main <- {
	//bind handlers for file browser links
	each: (qall: "a") :idx el {
		el onclick!: :event {
			link <- foreign: this
			path <- link href
			path <- path substr: (path indexOf: "/edit/") + 5
			console log: path
			editFile: path
			foreign: false
	//bind handlers for editor buttons
	each: (qall: ".controls li") :idx el {
		el onclick!: :event {
			srcel <- (q: "#src")
			srcel textContent!: (srcel textContent) + (el textContent)
	(q: "#ops_button") onclick!: :event {
		each: (qall: ".controls") :idx el {
			addClass: el "showops"
	path <- (window location) pathname
	if: (path indexOf: "/edit/") = 0 {
		editFile: (path substr: 5)
	} else: {}
