view modules/ @ 376:d61b1f0e1936

Some minor WIP stuff in UI module
author Michael Pavone <>
date Sat, 15 Aug 2015 22:45:24 -0700
parents f8d80c16abbd
line wrap: on
line source

	_helper <- #{
		includeSystemHeader: "sys/epoll.h"
		llMessage: create withVars: {
			efd <- obj_int32 ptr
		} andCode: {
			efd <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
			efd num!: (epoll_create: 8)
		llMessage: ctl withVars: {
			oepfd <- object ptr
			epfd <- obj_int32 ptr
			oop <- object ptr
			op <- obj_int32 ptr
			ofd <- object ptr
			fd <- obj_int32 ptr
			omask <- object ptr
			mask <- obj_uint32 ptr
			data <- object ptr
			res <- obj_int32 ptr
			event <- struct: epoll_event
		} andCode: :oepfd oop ofd omask data {
			epfd <- (mcall: int32 1 oepfd) castTo: (obj_int32 ptr)
			op <- (mcall: int32 1 oop) castTo: (obj_int32 ptr)
			fd <- (mcall: int32 1 ofd) castTo: (obj_int32 ptr)
			mask <- (mcall: int32 1 omask) castTo: (obj_int32 ptr)
			res <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
			event events!: (mask num)
			(addr_of: (event data)) ptr!: (data)
			res num!: (epoll_ctl: (epfd num) (op num) (fd num) (addr_of: event))
	 _constant <- macro: :name cname {
		quote: (llMessage: name withVars: {
				uintret <- obj_uint32 ptr
		} andCode: {
				uintret <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_uint32_meta) NULL 0
				uintret num!: cname
	_controlOps <- #{
		_constant: add EPOLL_CTL_ADD
		_constant: mod EPOLL_CTL_MOD
		_constant: del EPOLL_CTL_DEL
	_events <- #{
		_constant: in      EPOLLIN
		_constant: out     EPOLLOUT
		_constant: rdhup   EPOLLRDHUP
		_constant: pri     EPOLLPRI
		_constant: err     EPOLLERR
		_constant: hup     EPOLLHUP
		_constant: et      EPOLLET
		_constant: oneshot EPOLLONESHOT
		events <- { _events }
		create <- {
			efd <- _helper create
			if: efd >= 0 {
				_pinData <- dict hash
				eobj <- #{
					llProperty: _fd withType: int32_t
					llMessage: _set_fd withVars: {
						ofd <- object ptr
						ifd <- obj_int32 ptr
					} andCode: :ofd {
						ifd <- (mcall: int32 1 ofd) castTo: (obj_int32 ptr)
						_fd <- ifd num
					llMessage: fd withVars: {
						ifd <- obj_int32 ptr
					} andCode: {
						ifd <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
						ifd num!: _fd
					addFD:withMask:data <- :nfd :mask :data {
						if: (_helper ctl: fd (_controlOps add) nfd mask data) = 0 {
							_pinData set: nfd data
					deleteFD <- :dfd {
						if: (_helper ctl: fd (_controlOps del) dfd 0u32 false) = 0 {
							//HACK: replace data with false since we don't have a delete method on hashes yet
							_pinData set: dfd false
					modifyFD:setMask:data <- :mfd  :mask :data {
						if: (_helper ctl: fd (_controlOps mod) mfd mask data) = 0 {
							_pinData set: mfd data
					event:data <- :_event:_data {
							event <- { _event }
							data <- { _data }
					llMessage: wait:maxEvents withVars: {
						otimeout <- object ptr
						omaxevents <- object ptr
						timeout <- obj_int32 ptr
						maxevents <- obj_int32 ptr
						events <- (struct: epoll_event) ptr
						retarr <- array ptr
						res <- obj_int32 ptr
						omask <- obj_uint32 ptr
						i <- int32_t
					} andCode: :otimeout omaxevents {
						timeout <- (mcall: int32 1 otimeout) castTo: (obj_int32 ptr)
						maxevents <- (mcall: int32 1 omaxevents) castTo: (obj_int32 ptr)
						events <- GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC: (sizeof: (struct: epoll_event)) * (maxevents num)
						res <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_int32_meta) NULL 0
						res num!: (epoll_wait: _fd events (maxevents num) (timeout num))
						if: (res num) >= 0 {
							retarr <- make_array: 0
							mcall: resize 2 retarr res
							i <- 0
							while: { i < (res num) } do: {
								omask <- make_object: (addr_of: obj_uint32_meta) NULL 0
								omask num!: ((addr_of: (events get: i)) events)
								mcall: append 2 retarr (mcall: event:data 3 self omask ((addr_of: ((addr_of: (events get: i)) data) ) ptr))
								i <- i + 1
							mcall: value 2 option retarr
						} else: {
							mcall: none 1 option
					llMessage: close withVars: {
					} andCode: {
						if: (close: _fd) = 0 {
						} else: {
				eobj _set_fd: efd
				option value: eobj
			} else: {
				option none