Custom Query (10 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#8 movem.l -(a0), <ea> not decoding to illegal instruction Mike Pavone accuracy major 0.4.1 7 years
#2 YM2612 SSG-EG mode is missing somebody accuracy major 0.4.1 7 years
#3 YM2612 CSM mode is missing somebody accuracy major 0.4.1 7 years
#6 Update changelog somebody task major 0.4.1 7 years
#5 Update README somebody task major 0.4.1 7 years
#7 SMS pause button support somebody enhancement major 0.4.1 7 years
#15 Emulate slow rise time of IO port pin when transitioning from low output to input Mike Pavone accuracy major 0.4.1 7 years
#1 DIVU/DIVS timing is inaccurate somebody accuracy major 0.4.1 7 years
#4 Allow SRAM/EEPROM/save states to be stored relative to ROMs somebody enhancement major 0.4.1 7 years
#9 Adventures of Batman and Robin (PAL) - error during Two Face boss fight somebody compatibility major 0.4.1 7 years
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.