Custom Query (28 matches)


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Results (19 - 21 of 28)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12 fixed Error/Warning dialogs broken on Windows Mike Pavone Mike Pavone

It seems either the change in toolchain from old mingw running under Wine to a mingw64 cross compiler or a change in SDL version broke the error and warning dialogs. Instead of displaying the desired text garbage is shown instead

#15 fixed Emulate slow rise time of IO port pin when transitioning from low output to input Mike Pavone Mike Pavone

When an IO pin on one of the controller ports is set to an input, it will be pulled high by a pull up resistor. However, it appears that pull up is weak so the rise time is observable. Decap Attack has a buggy controller reading routine that depends on this behavior.

#21 fixed Add remaining EEPROM games to ROM DB Mike Pavone Mike Pavone

The information required to properly emulate EEPROM saves is not represented in the standard Sega header so these games need metadata added to the ROM database in order to work. While many of the these have been added, there are still more left to do

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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