1 BlastEm 0.2.0
2 -------------
4 Installation
5 ------------
7 Extract this tarball to a directory of your choosing. If you wish to change the
8 configuration settings, copy default.cfg to ~/.config/blastem/blastem.cfg and
9 modify the copy. You may also whish to add the blastem directory to your PATH
10 environment variable.
12 Configuration
13 -------------
15 Configuration is read from the file at ~/.config/blastem/blastem.cfg if it
16 exists othwerise it is read from default.cfg from the same directory as the
17 blastem executable. Sections are denoted by a section name followed by an open
18 curly bracket, the section's contents and a closing curly bracket. Individual
19 configuration values are set by entering the value's name followed by a space
20 or tab and followed by the desired value.
22 Bindings
23 --------
25 The keys subsection of bindings maps keyboard keys to gamepad buttons or UI
26 actions. The key name goes on the left and the action is on the right.
27 Most keys are named for the character they produce when pressed. Additionally,
28 the arrow, enter and escape keys have the symbolic names up, down, left, right,
29 enter and esc respectively. Other keys that do not produce characters are not
30 yet supported.
32 The pads subsection is used to map gamepads and joysticks. Analog axes are not
33 currently supported. An example configuration is provided in default.cfg to map
34 SDL joystick 0 to the second controller.
36 Video
37 -----
39 The video section currently has three settings: "width", "vertex_shader" and
40 "fragment_shader". "width" sets the width of the window in pixels. Height is
41 calculated from this value. Both width and height can be overridden from the
42 command line. "vertex_shader" and "fragment_shader" control which GLSL shader
43 files are used for rendering the display when in Open GL rendering mode.
44 Shaders can be used to implement graphical filters and other effects.
46 Audio
47 -----
49 The audio section has two config values: rate and buffer. rate selects the
50 sample rate and buffer sets the size of the output buffer in samples. 512 is
51 generally a good value, but if you're experiencing audio dropouts you might
52 want to increase it to 1024.
54 Debugger
55 --------
57 BlastEm has an integrated command-line debugger loosely based on GDB's
58 interface. The interface is very rough at the moment. Available commands in the
59 68K debugger are:
60 b ADDRESS - Set a breakpoint at ADDRESS
61 d BREAKPOINT - Delete a 68K breakpoint
62 a ADDRESS - Advance to address
63 n - Advance to next instruction
64 o - Advance to next instruction ignoring branches to
65 lower addresses (good for breaking out of loops)
66 s - Advance to next instruction (follows bsr/jsr)
67 c - Continue
68 p[/(x|X|d|c)] VALUE - Print a register or memory location
69 vs - Print VDP sprite list
70 vr - Print VDP register info
71 zb ADDRESS - Set a Z80 breakpoint
72 zp[/(x|X|d|c)] VALUE - Display a Z80 value
73 q - Quit BlastEm
74 Available commands in the Z80 debugger are:
75 b ADDRESS - Set a breakpoint at ADDRESS
76 de BREAKPOINT - Delete a Z80 breakpoint
77 a ADDRESS - Advance to address
78 n - Advance to next instruction
79 c - Continue
80 p[/(x|X|d|c)] VALUE - Print a register or memory location
81 di[/(x|X|d|c)] VALUE - Print VALUE before every debugger prompt
82 q - Quit BlastEm
84 The -d flag can be used to cause BlastEm to start in the debugger.
85 Alternatively, you can use the ui.enter_debugger action (mapped to the 'u' key
86 by default)to enter the debugger while a game is running.
88 GDB Remote Debugging
89 --------------------
91 In addition to the native debugger, BlastEm can also act as a GDB remote
92 debugging stub. To use this, you'll want to configure your Makefile to produce
93 both an ELF executable and a raw binary. Invoke an m68k-elf targeted gdb with
94 the ELF file. Once inside the gdb session, type:
96 target remote | BLASTEM_PATH/blastem ROM_FILE.bin -D
98 where BLASTEM_PATH is the relative or absolute path to your BlastEm
99 installation and ROM_FILE.bin is the name of the raw binary for your program.
100 BlastEm will halt at the beginning of your program's entry point and return
101 control to GDB. This will allow you to set breakpoints before your code runs.
103 Trace points and watch points are not currently supported.
105 License
106 -------
108 BlastEm is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
109 License version 3 or higher. This gives you the right to redistribute and/or
110 modify the program as long as you follow the terms of the license. See the file
111 COPYING for full license details.