view @ 1925:039553703c20

Don't apply address and cd register changes to the 'live' registers until pending flag is cleared, but do preserve the upper address bits in the latch. Fixes regression in Overdrive 2 while preserving fix to Mona in 344 bytes
author Michael Pavone <>
date Mon, 13 Apr 2020 20:43:25 -0700
parents b1ad6339de4f
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python

from zipfile import ZipFile
from sys import exit, argv

def detect_rise(last, sample, bit):
	mask = 1 << bit
	return (not last & mask) and (sample & mask)

def detect_fall(last, sample, bit):
	mask = 1 << bit
	return (last & mask) and (not sample & mask)

def detect_high(sample, bit):
	mask = 1 << bit
	return sample & mask

def detect_low(sample, bit):
	mask = 1 << bit
	return not sample & mask
def get_value(sample, bits):
	value = 0
	for i in xrange(0, len(bits)):
		bit = bits[i]
		value |= (sample >> bit & 1) << i
	return value
def swizzle_mode4(row, col):
	return (col & 1) | (row << 1) | (col << 8 & 0xFE00)

def analyze_delays(chanmap, datafile):
	if 'M68K_CLK' in chanmap:
		m68k_clk = chanmap['M68K CLK']
	elif 'CLK' in chanmap:
		m68k_clk = chanmap['CLK']
	m_as = chanmap['!AS']
	ram_oe = chanmap['RAM !LOE/!RFSH']
	ram_ce = chanmap['RAM !CE']
	last = False
	prev = False
	prevRefresh = False
	clks = 0
	as_start = 0
	for line in datafile.readlines():
		line = line.strip()
		if line and not line.startswith(';'):
			sample,_,num = line.partition('@')
			sample = int(sample, 16)
			if not (last is False):
				if detect_rise(last, sample, m68k_clk):
					clks = clks + 1
				if detect_rise(last, sample, m_as):
					as_clks  = clks - as_start
					if as_clks > 2:
						if not (prev is False):
							print '!AS held for', as_clks, 'cycles starting (delay of ' + str(as_clks - 2) + ') at', as_start, 'and ending at', clks, 'delta since last delay:', as_start - prev
							print '!AS held for', as_clks, 'cycles starting (delay of ' + str(as_clks - 2) + ') at', as_start, 'and ending at', clks
						prev = as_start
				elif detect_fall(last, sample, m_as):
					as_start = clks
				if detect_fall(last, sample, ram_oe) and detect_high( sample, ram_ce):
					if prevRefresh is False:
						print 'RAM refresh at ', clks
						print 'RAM refresh at', clks, 'delta since last:', clks-prevRefresh
					prevRefresh = clks
			last = sample
def analyze_refresh(chanmap, datafile):
	if 'M68K_CLK' in chanmap:
		m68k_clk = chanmap['M68K CLK']
	elif 'CLK' in chanmap:
		m68k_clk = chanmap['CLK']
	ram_oe = chanmap['RAM !LOE/!RFSH']
	ram_ce = chanmap['RAM !CE']
	clks = 0
	last = False
	prevRefresh = False
	for line in datafile.readlines():
		line = line.strip()
		if line and not line.startswith(';'):
			sample,_,num = line.partition('@')
			sample = int(sample, 16)
			if not (last is False):
				if detect_rise(last, sample, m68k_clk):
					clks = clks + 1
				if detect_fall(last, sample, ram_oe) and detect_high( sample, ram_ce):
					if prevRefresh is False:
						print 'RAM refresh at ', clks
						print 'RAM refresh at', clks, 'delta since last:', clks-prevRefresh
					prevRefresh = clks
			last = sample
table_start = 0x3800
table_end = table_start + 0x600
sat_start = 0x3E00 #0x3F00 
sat_xname = sat_start + 0x80
sat_end = sat_start + 0x100

def analyze_vram(chanmap, datafile):
	address_bits = [chanmap['AD{0}'.format(i)] for i in xrange(0, 8)]
	ras = chanmap['!RAS']
	cas = chanmap['!CAS']
	hsync = chanmap['!HSYNC']
	state = 'begin'
	last = False
	for line in datafile.readlines():
		line = line.strip()
		if line and not line.startswith(';'):
			sample,_,num = line.partition('@')
			sample = int(sample, 16)
			if not (last is False):
				if detect_fall(last, sample, hsync):
					print 'HSYNC low @ {0}'.format(num)
				elif detect_rise(last, sample, hsync):
					print 'HSYNC high @ {0}'.format(num)
				if state == 'begin':
					if detect_fall(last, sample, ras):
						state = 'ras'
						row = get_value(sample, address_bits)
					elif detect_fall(last, sample, cas):
						state = 'cas'
				elif state == 'ras':
					if detect_fall(last, sample, cas):
						col = get_value(sample, address_bits)
						address = swizzle_mode4(row, col)
						if address < table_end and address >= table_start:
							offset = (address - table_start)/2
							desc = 'Map Row {0} Col {1}'.format(offset / 32, offset & 31)
						elif address >= sat_start and address < sat_xname:
							offset = address - sat_start
							desc = 'Sprite {0} Y Read'.format(offset)
						elif address >= sat_xname and address < sat_end:
							offset = address - sat_xname
							desc = 'Sprite {0} X/Name Read'.format(offset / 2)
							desc = 'Tile {0} Row {1}'.format(address / 32, ((address / 4) & 7) + (0.5 if address & 2 else 0))
						print '{0:02X}:{1:02X} - {2:04X} @ {3} - {4}'.format(row, col, address, num, desc)
						state = 'begin'
				elif state == 'cas':
					if detect_fall(last, sample, ras):
						print 'refresh @ {0}'.format(num)
						state = 'begin'
			last = sample
def analyze_z80_mreq(chanmap, datafile):
	m1 = chanmap['!M1']
	mreq = chanmap['!MREQ']
	addressMask = 0x3FF
	last = None
	lastWasM1 = False
	for line in datafile.readlines():
		line = line.strip()
		if line and not line.startswith(';'):
			sample,_,num = line.partition('@')
			sample = int(sample, 16)
			if not (last is None):
				if detect_rise(last, sample, mreq):
					address = last & addressMask
					if detect_low(last, m1):
						print 'M1 read {0:02X} @ {1}'.format(address, num)
						lastWasM1 = True
					elif lastWasM1:
						print 'Refresh {0:02X} @ {1}'.format(address, num)
						lastWasM1 = False
						print 'Access {0:02X} @ {1}'.format(address, num)
			last = sample

def main(args):
	if len(args) < 2:
		print 'Usage: filename'
	olpfile = ZipFile(args[1], "r")
	channelfile ='channel.labels')
	channels = [line.strip() for line in channelfile.readlines()]
	print channels
	chanmap = {}
	for i in xrange(0, len(channels)):
		chanmap[channels[i]] = i
	datafile ='data.ols')
	#analyze_delays(chanmap, datafile)
	#analyze_vram(chanmap, datafile)
	#analyze_refresh(chanmap, datafile)
	analyze_z80_mreq(chanmap, datafile)

if __name__ == '__main__':