view test.s68 @ 380:1c8d74f2ab0b

Make the PSG and YM2612 use the master clock internal with an increment based on clock divider so that they stay perflectly in sync. Run both the PSG and YM2612 whenver one of them needs to be run.
author Mike Pavone <>
date Mon, 03 Jun 2013 21:43:38 -0700
parents 3adbd97f71f2
line wrap: on
line source

	dc.l $0, start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l start
	dc.l after
	dc.l after
	dc.l after
	dc.l after
	dc.l after
	dc.l after
	dc.l after
	dc.l after
	bra after
	abcd d0, d1
	abcd -(a2), -(a3)
	add.b #42, d1
	add.w d3, d4
	add.l d5, (a0)+
	addq.w #5, d0
	addx d6, d7
	addx -(a4), -(a5)
	and.w d5, d7
	andi.l #5, (a0)+
	andi #8, CCR
	andi #9, CCR
	asl d0, d3
	asr #3, d7
	bne foo
	bchg #5, d0
	bclr #7, d0
	bset #1, d0
	bsr bar
	btst #3, d0
	chk.w #53, d7
	clr d5
	cmp d0, d1
	dbra d0, bar
	divs.w d5, d7
	divu.w d3, d4
	eor.w d0, d6
	eori.l #5, d2
	eori #5, ccr
	eori #2700, sr
	exg d5, d6
	ext d2
	jmp (a0)
	jsr (a5)
	lea (a0, 8), a3
	link.w a6, #32
	lsl d0, d3
	lsr #3, d7
	move.b (a0)+, (32, a5)
	moveq  #5, d0
	move #89, ccr
	move sr, d0
	move #2700, sr
	move a5, usp
	movem.l d0-d3/a4/a6, -(a7)
	movep.w d4, (40, a3)
	muls.w d6, d7
	mulu.w d2, d4
	nbcd -(a2)
	neg.l d7
	negx.b d5
	not.b d3
	or.w d5, d7
	ori.b #7, d5
	ori #5, ccr
	ori #2700, sr
	pea (24, a3)
	rol.l #7, d0
	rol.w d5, d0
	ror.w d1, d3
	roxl.l #7, d0
	roxl.w d5, d0
	roxr.w d1, d3
	sbcd d0, d1
	sbcd -(a2), -(a3)
	slt d5
	stop #3
	sub.b #42, d1
	sub.w d3, d4
	sub.l d5, (a0)+
	subq.w #5, d0
	subx d6, d7
	subx -(a4), -(a5)
	swap d6
	tas (a3)
	trap #7
	tst.w (a4)+
	unlk a6