view test_x86.c @ 1615:28f80d1b343e

Support immediate operands for ld and alu ops in SVP. Support double indirect and immediate address modes for alu ops. Fixed DSL issues revealed by those changes
author Michael Pavone <>
date Mon, 24 Sep 2018 19:09:16 -0700
parents 9b7fcf748be0
line wrap: on
line source

 Copyright 2013 Michael Pavone
 This file is part of BlastEm.
 BlastEm is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or greater. See COPYING for full license text.
#include "gen_x86.h"
#include "m68k_core.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
	uint8_t foo[512];
	uint8_t *cur = foo, *end;
	cur = mov_rr(cur, RAX, RBX, SZ_B);
	cur = mov_rr(cur, RCX, RDX, SZ_B);
	cur = mov_rr(cur, R8, R9, SZ_B);
	cur = mov_rr(cur, R8, RAX, SZ_B);
	cur = mov_rr(cur, RAX, RBX, SZ_W);
	cur = mov_rr(cur, R11, R12, SZ_W);
	cur = mov_rr(cur, RAX, RBX, SZ_D);
	cur = mov_rr(cur, RAX, RBX, SZ_Q);
	cur = mov_ir(cur, 5, RAX, SZ_D);
	cur = mov_ir(cur, 3, R8, SZ_D);
	cur = mov_ir(cur, 4, RSP, SZ_B);
	cur = add_rr(cur, RAX, RBX, SZ_D);
	cur = add_ir(cur, 5, RAX, SZ_B);
	cur = add_ir(cur, 5, RBX, SZ_B);
	cur = add_ir(cur, 5, RBP, SZ_B);
	cur = pushf(cur);
	cur = popf(cur);
	cur = setcc_r(cur, CC_S, RBX);
	cur = setcc_r(cur, CC_Z, RDX);
	cur = setcc_r(cur, CC_O, BH);
	cur = setcc_r(cur, CC_C, DH);
	cur = setcc_rind(cur, CC_C, RSI);
	cur = mov_rrdisp8(cur, RCX, RSI, offsetof(m68k_context, dregs) + 4 * sizeof(uint32_t), SZ_D);
	cur = mov_rdisp8r(cur, RSI, offsetof(m68k_context, dregs) + 5 * sizeof(uint32_t), RCX, SZ_D);
	cur = mov_rrind(cur, DH, RSI, SZ_B);
	cur = jcc(cur, CC_NZ, -2);
	cur = jcc(cur, CC_Z, 0);
	cur = jcc(cur, CC_LE, 0x7CA);
	for (end = cur, cur = foo; cur != end; cur++) {
		printf(" %X", *cur);
	return 0;