view backend_x86.c @ 995:2bc27415565b

Fix some stuff with interrupt timing. The change in adjust_int_cycle gets Overdrive working again (vint was not being preferred over hint in some cases). One of the changes seems to have broken Fatal Rewind again, but no other regressions that I can see.
author Michael Pavone <>
date Sat, 30 Apr 2016 08:37:55 -0700
parents 1f09994e92c5
children 6b07af1515b5
line wrap: on
line source

#include "backend.h"
#include "gen_x86.h"

void cycles(cpu_options *opts, uint32_t num)
	add_ir(&opts->code, num*opts->clock_divider, opts->cycles, SZ_D);

void check_cycles_int(cpu_options *opts, uint32_t address)
	code_info *code = &opts->code;
	cmp_rr(code, opts->cycles, opts->limit, SZ_D);
	code_ptr jmp_off = code->cur+1;
	jcc(code, CC_A, jmp_off+1);
	mov_ir(code, address, opts->scratch1, SZ_D);
	call(code, opts->handle_cycle_limit_int);
	*jmp_off = code->cur - (jmp_off+1);

void check_cycles(cpu_options * opts)
	code_info *code = &opts->code;
	cmp_rr(code, opts->cycles, opts->limit, SZ_D);
	check_alloc_code(code, MAX_INST_LEN*2);
	code_ptr jmp_off = code->cur+1;
	jcc(code, CC_A, jmp_off+1);
	call(code, opts->handle_cycle_limit);
	*jmp_off = code->cur - (jmp_off+1);

void log_address(cpu_options *opts, uint32_t address, char * format)
	code_info *code = &opts->code;
	call(code, opts->save_context);
	push_r(code, opts->context_reg);
	mov_rr(code, opts->cycles, RDX, SZ_D);
	mov_ir(code, (int64_t)format, RDI, SZ_PTR);
	mov_ir(code, address, RSI, SZ_D);
	call_args_abi(code, (code_ptr)printf, 3, RDI, RSI, RDX);
	pop_r(code, opts->context_reg);
	call(code, opts->load_context);

void check_code_prologue(code_info *code)
	check_alloc_code(code, MAX_INST_LEN*4);

code_ptr gen_mem_fun(cpu_options * opts, memmap_chunk const * memmap, uint32_t num_chunks, ftype fun_type, code_ptr *after_inc)
	code_info *code = &opts->code;
	code_ptr start = code->cur;
	uint8_t is_write = fun_type == WRITE_16 || fun_type == WRITE_8;
	uint8_t adr_reg = is_write ? opts->scratch2 : opts->scratch1;
	uint8_t size =  (fun_type == READ_16 || fun_type == WRITE_16) ? SZ_W : SZ_B;
	if (size != SZ_B && opts->align_error_mask) {
		test_ir(code, opts->align_error_mask, adr_reg, SZ_D);
		jcc(code, CC_NZ, is_write ? opts->handle_align_error_write : opts->handle_align_error_read);
	cycles(opts, opts->bus_cycles);
	if (after_inc) {
		*after_inc = code->cur;
	if (opts->address_size == SZ_D && opts->address_mask != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
		and_ir(code, opts->address_mask, adr_reg, SZ_D);
	code_ptr lb_jcc = NULL, ub_jcc = NULL;
	uint16_t access_flag = is_write ? MMAP_WRITE : MMAP_READ;
	uint32_t ram_flags_off = opts->ram_flags_off;
	for (uint32_t chunk = 0; chunk < num_chunks; chunk++)
		if (memmap[chunk].start > 0) {
			cmp_ir(code, memmap[chunk].start, adr_reg, opts->address_size);
			lb_jcc = code->cur + 1;
			jcc(code, CC_C, code->cur + 2);
		if (memmap[chunk].end < opts->max_address) {
			cmp_ir(code, memmap[chunk].end, adr_reg, opts->address_size);
			ub_jcc = code->cur + 1;
			jcc(code, CC_NC, code->cur + 2);

		if (memmap[chunk].mask != opts->address_mask) {
			and_ir(code, memmap[chunk].mask, adr_reg, opts->address_size);
		void * cfun;
		switch (fun_type)
		case READ_16:
			cfun = memmap[chunk].read_16;
		case READ_8:
			cfun = memmap[chunk].read_8;
		case WRITE_16:
			cfun = memmap[chunk].write_16;
		case WRITE_8:
			cfun = memmap[chunk].write_8;
			cfun = NULL;
		if(memmap[chunk].flags & access_flag) {
			if (memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_PTR_IDX) {
				if (memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_FUNC_NULL) {
					cmp_irdisp(code, 0, opts->context_reg, opts->mem_ptr_off + sizeof(void*) * memmap[chunk].ptr_index, SZ_PTR);
					code_ptr not_null = code->cur + 1;
					jcc(code, CC_NZ, code->cur + 2);
					call(code, opts->save_context);
					if (is_write) {
						call_args_abi(code, cfun, 3, opts->scratch2, opts->context_reg, opts->scratch1);
						mov_rr(code, RAX, opts->context_reg, SZ_PTR);
					} else {
						push_r(code, opts->context_reg);
						call_args_abi(code, cfun, 2, opts->scratch1, opts->context_reg);
						pop_r(code, opts->context_reg);
						mov_rr(code, RAX, opts->scratch1, size);
					jmp(code, opts->load_context);

					*not_null = code->cur - (not_null + 1);
				if ((opts->byte_swap || memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_BYTESWAP) && size == SZ_B) {
					xor_ir(code, 1, adr_reg, opts->address_size);
				if (opts->address_size != SZ_D) {
					movzx_rr(code, adr_reg, adr_reg, opts->address_size, SZ_D);
				add_rdispr(code, opts->context_reg, opts->mem_ptr_off + sizeof(void*) * memmap[chunk].ptr_index, adr_reg, SZ_PTR);
				if (is_write) {
					mov_rrind(code, opts->scratch1, opts->scratch2, size);

				} else {
					mov_rindr(code, opts->scratch1, opts->scratch1, size);
			} else {
				uint8_t tmp_size = size;
				if (size == SZ_B) {
					if ((memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_ONLY_ODD) || (memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_ONLY_EVEN)) {
						bt_ir(code, 0, adr_reg, opts->address_size);
						code_ptr good_addr = code->cur + 1;
						jcc(code, (memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_ONLY_ODD) ? CC_C : CC_NC, code->cur + 2);
						if (!is_write) {
							mov_ir(code, 0xFF, opts->scratch1, SZ_B);
						*good_addr = code->cur - (good_addr + 1);
						shr_ir(code, 1, adr_reg, opts->address_size);
					} else if (opts->byte_swap || memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_BYTESWAP) {
						xor_ir(code, 1, adr_reg, opts->address_size);
				} else if ((memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_ONLY_ODD) || (memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_ONLY_EVEN)) {
					tmp_size = SZ_B;
					shr_ir(code, 1, adr_reg, opts->address_size);
					if ((memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_ONLY_EVEN) && is_write) {
						shr_ir(code, 8, opts->scratch1, SZ_W);
				if (opts->address_size != SZ_D) {
					movzx_rr(code, adr_reg, adr_reg, opts->address_size, SZ_D);
				if ((intptr_t)memmap[chunk].buffer <= 0x7FFFFFFF && (intptr_t)memmap[chunk].buffer >= -2147483648) {
					if (is_write) {
						mov_rrdisp(code, opts->scratch1, opts->scratch2, (intptr_t)memmap[chunk].buffer, tmp_size);
					} else {
						mov_rdispr(code, opts->scratch1, (intptr_t)memmap[chunk].buffer, opts->scratch1, tmp_size);
				} else {
					if (is_write) {
						push_r(code, opts->scratch2);
						mov_ir(code, (intptr_t)memmap[chunk].buffer, opts->scratch2, SZ_PTR);
						add_rdispr(code, RSP, 0, opts->scratch2, SZ_PTR);
						mov_rrind(code, opts->scratch1, opts->scratch2, tmp_size);
						if (is_write && (memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_CODE)) {
							pop_r(code, opts->scratch2);
						} else {
							add_ir(code, sizeof(void*), RSP, SZ_D);
							code->stack_off -= sizeof(void *);
					} else {
						push_r(code, opts->scratch2);
						mov_ir(code, (intptr_t)memmap[chunk].buffer, opts->scratch2, SZ_PTR);
						mov_rindexr(code, opts->scratch2, opts->scratch1, 1, opts->scratch1, tmp_size);
						pop_r(code, opts->scratch2);
				if (size != tmp_size && !is_write) {
					if (memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_ONLY_EVEN) {
						shl_ir(code, 8, opts->scratch1, SZ_W);
						mov_ir(code, 0xFF, opts->scratch1, SZ_B);
					} else {
						or_ir(code, 0xFF00, opts->scratch1, SZ_W);
			if (is_write && (memmap[chunk].flags & MMAP_CODE)) {
				mov_rr(code, opts->scratch2, opts->scratch1, opts->address_size);
				shr_ir(code, opts->ram_flags_shift, opts->scratch1, opts->address_size);
				bt_rrdisp(code, opts->scratch1, opts->context_reg, ram_flags_off, opts->address_size);
				if (memmap[chunk].mask == opts->address_mask) {
					ram_flags_off += (memmap[chunk].end - memmap[chunk].start) / (1 << opts->ram_flags_shift) / 8; ;
				} else {
					ram_flags_off += (memmap[chunk].mask + 1) /  (1 << opts->ram_flags_shift) / 8;;
				code_ptr not_code = code->cur + 1;
				jcc(code, CC_NC, code->cur + 2);
				call(code, opts->save_context);
				call_args(code, opts->handle_code_write, 2, opts->scratch2, opts->context_reg);
				mov_rr(code, RAX, opts->context_reg, SZ_PTR);
				call(code, opts->load_context);
				*not_code = code->cur - (not_code+1);
		} else if (cfun) {
			call(code, opts->save_context);
			if (is_write) {
				call_args_abi(code, cfun, 3, opts->scratch2, opts->context_reg, opts->scratch1);
				mov_rr(code, RAX, opts->context_reg, SZ_PTR);
			} else {
				push_r(code, opts->context_reg);
				call_args_abi(code, cfun, 2, opts->scratch1, opts->context_reg);
				pop_r(code, opts->context_reg);
				mov_rr(code, RAX, opts->scratch1, size);
			jmp(code, opts->load_context);
		} else {
			//Not sure the best course of action here
			if (!is_write) {
				mov_ir(code, size == SZ_B ? 0xFF : 0xFFFF, opts->scratch1, size);
		if (lb_jcc) {
			*lb_jcc = code->cur - (lb_jcc+1);
			lb_jcc = NULL;
		if (ub_jcc) {
			*ub_jcc = code->cur - (ub_jcc+1);
			ub_jcc = NULL;
	if (!is_write) {
		mov_ir(code, size == SZ_B ? 0xFF : 0xFFFF, opts->scratch1, size);
	return start;