view @ 561:666adeba5a61

Save and restore guest address in the write function for a code memory chunk in the "slow" path for inconvenient host addresses. This fixes an intermittent crash on OSX in the code that checks whether the memory written may contain code
author Mike Pavone <>
date Mon, 23 Jun 2014 11:46:56 -0400
parents 006008a3f370
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python

#0 - !SE
#1 - !CAS
#2 - A0
#3 - A1
#4 - A2
#5 - A3
#6 - A7
#7 - EDCLK
#8 - !HSYNC
#9 - A4
#A - A5
#B - A6
#C - !RAS
#D - !WB/!WE
#E - !DT/!OE
#F - SC

#0 - !IPL2
#1 - !CAS
#2 - A0
#3 - A1
#4 - A2
#5 - A3
#6 - A7
#7 - !HSYNC
#8 - !VSYNC
#9 - A4
#A - A5
#B - A6
#C - !RAS
#D - !WB/!WE
#E - !DT/!OE
#F - SC

#VRAM swizzling
#A0 = V0
#A1 = V1
#A8 = V2
#A9 = V3
#A10 = V4
#A11 = V5
#A12 = V6
#A13 = V7
#A14 = V8
#A15 = V9
#--guesses follow--
#A2 = V10
#A3 = V11
#A4 = V12
#A5 = V13
#A6 = V14
#A7 = V15

def get_addr(sample):
	return ((sample >> 2) & 0xF) | ((sample >> 5) & 0x70) | ((sample << 1) & 0x80)

def swizzle_addr(addr):
	return (addr & 0x0003) | ((addr >> 6) & 0x03FC) | ((addr << 8) & 0xFC00)

def print_addr_op(addr, addr_format, mode, samplenum, triggerpos, rate):
	print '{0:{1}} ({2:{1}}) {3}@{4} ns'.format(swizzle_addr(addr), addr_format, addr, mode, (samplenum - triggerpos)*rate)

def detect_rise(last, sample, bit):
	mask = 1 << bit
	return (not last & mask) and (sample & mask)
def detect_fall(last, sample, bit):
	mask = 1 << bit
	return (last & mask) and (not sample & mask)

def detect_high(sample, bit):
	mask = 1 << bit
	return sample & mask

ipl2 = 0x0
cas = 0x1
ras = 0xC
vsync = 0x8
hsync = 0x7
wewb = 0xD
oedt = 0xE
sc = 0xF

last = False
state = 'begin'
triggerpos = 0
readcounter = 0
sillyread = 0
lastaddr = -1
edclk_ticks = 0
sc_ticks = 0
tick_start = False
#f = open('street_fighter_vram_100mhz_hsync_trig_2.ols')
#f = open('street_fighter_vram_50mhz_hsync_trig.ols')
from sys import argv,exit
if len(argv) < 2:
	print 'usage: filename'
if '-b' in argv:
	addr_format = '016b'
	addr_format = '04X'
f = open(argv[1])
for line in f:
	if line.startswith(';TriggerPosition'):
		_,_,triggerpos = line.partition(':')
		triggerpos = int(triggerpos.strip())
	elif line.startswith(';Rate'):
		_,_,rate = line.partition(':')
		#convert to nanoseconds between samples
		rate = (1.0/float(rate.strip())) * 1000000000.0
	elif not line.startswith(';'):
		sample,_,samplenum = line.partition('@')
		samplenum = int(samplenum.strip())
		sample = int(sample, 16)
		if detect_rise(last, sample, sc):
			sc_ticks += 1
		if not (last is False):
			#detect falling edge of !HSYNC
			if detect_fall(last, sample, hsync):
				if readcounter:
					print readcounter, 'reads,', sillyread, 'redundant reads'
					readcounter = sillyread = 0
				if not tick_start is False:
					print 'SC:', sc_ticks, ' ticks, {0}MHz'.format(float(sc_ticks)/((rate * (samplenum-tick_start)) / 1000.0))
				tick_start = samplenum
				edclk_ticks = sc_ticks = 0
				print 'HSYNC Start @ {0} ns'.format((samplenum - triggerpos)*rate)
			#detect rising edge of !HSYNC
			elif detect_rise(last, sample, hsync):
				if not tick_start is False:
					float(edclk_ticks)/((rate * (samplenum-tick_start)) / 1000.0)
					print 'EDCLK:', edclk_ticks, ' ticks, {0}MHz'.format(float(edclk_ticks)/((rate * (samplenum-tick_start)) / 1000.0))
					print 'SC:', sc_ticks, ' ticks, {0}MHz'.format(float(sc_ticks)/((rate * (samplenum-tick_start)) / 1000.0))
				tick_start = samplenum
				edclk_ticks = sc_ticks = 0
				print 'HSYNC End @ {0} ns'.format((samplenum - triggerpos)*rate)
			if detect_fall(last, sample, vsync):
				print 'VSYNC Start @ {0} ns'.format((samplenum - triggerpos)*rate)
			elif detect_rise(last, sample, vsync):
				print 'VSYNC End @ {0} ns'.format((samplenum - triggerpos)*rate)
			if detect_fall(last, sample, ipl2):
				print 'IPL2 Low @ {0} ns'.format((samplenum - triggerpos)*rate)
			elif detect_rise(last, sample, ipl2):
				print 'IPL2 High @ {0} ns'.format((samplenum - triggerpos)*rate)
			if state == 'begin':
				#detect falling edge of !RAS
				if detect_fall(last, sample, ras):
					state = 'ras'
					row = get_addr(sample)
					mode = 'ram' if detect_high(sample, oedt) else 'read transfer'
				elif detect_fall(last, sample, cas) and detect_high(sample, oedt):
					state = 'cas'
			elif state == 'ras':
				if detect_fall(last, sample, cas):
					state = 'begin'
					col = get_addr(sample)
					addr = (row << 8) | col
					if mode == 'ram':
						state = 'ras_cas'
						print_addr_op(addr, addr_format, mode, samplenum, triggerpos, rate)
					lastaddr = addr
					#print '{0:04X} {1} - {2:02X}:{3:02X} - {0:016b}'.format(addr, mode, row, col)
			elif state == 'cas':
				if detect_fall(last, sample, ras):
					state = 'begin'
					print 'refresh@{0} ns'.format((samplenum - triggerpos)*rate)
			elif state == 'ras_cas':
				if detect_fall(last, sample, oedt):
					readcounter += 1
					if addr == lastaddr:
						sillyread += 1
					print_addr_op(addr, addr_format, 'read', samplenum, triggerpos, rate)
					state = 'begin'
				elif detect_fall(last, sample, wewb):
					print_addr_op(addr, addr_format, 'write', samplenum, triggerpos, rate)
					state = 'begin'
		last = sample