view menu.s68 @ 1637:95880d947257

Fix for VRAM byte write order broke VDP FIFO testing ROM results. This change cleans up VRAM writes and fixes the regression while preserving the correct VRAM byte write order
author Michael Pavone <>
date Sun, 11 Nov 2018 22:39:29 -0800
parents e2bd03ed3190
children c3c3b65f17aa
line wrap: on
line source

	dc.l $0, start
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
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	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
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	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l int_4
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l int_6
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.b "SEGA GENESIS    "
	dc.b "(c) 2015.JULY   "
	dc.b "Menu            "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "Menu            "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "MP BlstMenu-00", 0, 0
	dc.b "                "
	dc.l $0, rom_end-1, $FF0000, $FFFFFF
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "JU  "

;register addresses
VDP_DATA  equ $C00000
VDP_CTRL  equ $C00004
VDP_HV    equ $C00008
Z80_RAM   equ $A00000
IO_AREA   equ $A10000
PAD1_DATA equ (IO_AREA + 3)
PAD2_DATA equ (IO_AREA + 5)
EXT_DATA  equ (IO_AREA + 7)
PAD1_CTRL equ (IO_AREA + 9)
PAD2_CTRL equ (IO_AREA + 11)
EXT_CTRL  equ (IO_AREA + 13)

MODE_1   equ 0
MODE_2   equ 1
SCROLL_A equ 2
WINDOW   equ 3
SCROLL_B equ 4
SAT      equ 5
BG_COLOR equ 7
HINT     equ $A
MODE_3   equ $B
MODE_4   equ $C
WINDOW_H equ $11
WINDOW_V equ $12
DMALEN_L equ $13
DMALEN_H equ $14
DMASRC_L equ $15
DMASRC_M equ $16
DMASRC_H equ $17

VDP_VRAM_WRITE equ $40000000
VDP_CRAM_WRITE equ $C0000000
VDP_VSRAM_WRITE equ $40000010
VDP_DMA_FLAG equ $80

vdpregset macro
	move.w #(((\1) << 8) | $8000 | (\2)), (a1)

vdpreg macro
	dc.w (((\1) << 8) | $8000 | (\2))

;Writes a normal VDP command to the control port
;\1 - VDP address
;\2 - Access type
vdpaccess macro
	ifeq NARG-2
	move.l #((\2) | (\1) << 16 & $3FFF0000 | (\1) >> 14 & 3), (a1)
	move.l #((\2) | (\1) << 16 & $3FFF0000 | (\1) >> 14 & 3), \3

;Writes a DMA command to the control port
;\1 - Destination address
;\2 - Destination type
startdma macro
	move.l #(\2 | VDP_DMA_FLAG | (\1 << 16) & $3FFF0000 | (\1 >> 14) & 3), (a1)

DMA_SRC_68K  equ 0
DMA_SRC_FILL equ $80

dmasrc macro
	move.l #($95009600 + (\1) << 15 & $FF0000 + (\1) >> 9 & $FF), (a1)
	move.w #($9700 + (\1) >> 17 & $7F | (\2)), (a1)

dir_buffer equ $100000
menu_port  equ $180000
load_rom_port equ (menu_port+2*4)
lock_on_port equ (menu_port+8*4)


	rsset $FFFF8000
x_pos           rs.w 1
base_cmd        rs.l 1
sprite_list     rs.l 160
page_index      rs.l MAX_DISPLAY+1
page_stack      rs.l 1
page_pointers   rs.l 1024
mouse_sprite    rs.l 1
menu_functions  rs.l 1
cursor_show_fun rs.l 1
special_click   rs.l 1
rom_load_addr   rs.l 1
mouse_x         rs.w 1
selection_top   rs.w 1
selection_bot   rs.w 1
selection_mask  rs.w 1
num_sprites     rs.b 1
last_pad1       rs.b 1
last_pad2       rs.b 1
selected        rs.b 1
more_pages      rs.b 1
mouse_buf       rs.b 3
mouse_shown     rs.b 1
last_mbuttons   rs.b 1
num_menu        rs.b 1
num_slots       rs.b 1
port_off        rs.b 1

	dmasrc sprite_list, DMA_SRC_68K
	;set DMA length
	move.l #$94009300, d0
	moveq #0, d1
	move.b num_sprites.w, d1
	add.w d1, d1
	add.w d1, d1
	move.b d1, d0
	swap d0
	lsr.w #8, d1
	move.b d1, d0
	move.l d0, (a1)
	startdma $C000, VDP_VRAM_WRITE
	move.w (menu_port+4*7), d0
	btst #0, d0
	bne show_pause_menu

	;read gamepad/mouse in port 1
	lea PAD1_DATA, a2

	bsr io_read

	cmp.b #3, d2
	beq .mouse

	move.b last_pad1.w, d1
	eor.b d0, d1
	and.b d0, d1
	move.b d0, last_pad1.w

	bsr handle_pad_buttons

	bra pad2
	bsr handle_mouse

	;read gamepad/mouse in port 2
	lea PAD2_DATA, a2

	bsr io_read

	cmp.b #3, d2
	beq .mouse

	move.b last_pad2.w, d1
	eor.b d0, d1
	and.b d0, d1
	move.b d0, last_pad2.w

	bsr handle_pad_buttons
	bsr handle_mouse

;d1 = newly pressed buttons
	tst.b num_menu.w
	bne handle_buttons_menu
	tst.b num_slots.w
	bne handle_buttons_save
	moveq #16, d2

	btst #3, d1
	bne right
	btst #2, d1
	bne left
	btst #1, d1
	bne down
	btst #0, d1
	bne up
	btst #7, d1
	bne select_entry
	btst #5, d1
	bne select_entry
	moveq #48, d2
	bra buttons_no_leftright
	moveq #32, d2
	bra buttons_no_leftright

	;check if we are already at the bottom of the page
	moveq #1, d0
	add.b (selected).w, d0
	tst.b num_menu.w
	bne .menu
	tst.b num_slots.w
	bne .slots
	move.w d0, d1
	add.w d1, d1
	add.w d1, d1
	lea page_index.w, a2
	tst.l (0, a2, d1.w)
	beq handle_done
	move.b d0, (selected).w

	add.w d2, (sprite_list).w
	add.w d2, (sprite_list+8).w
	cmp.b num_menu.w, d0
	beq handle_done
	bra .do_move
	cmp.b num_slots.w, d0
	beq handle_done
	bra .do_move
	;check if we are already at the top of the page
	move.b (selected).w, d0
	beq handle_done
	subq #1, d0
	move.b d0, (selected).w

	sub.w d2, (sprite_list).w
	sub.w d2, (sprite_list+8).w

	;check that we have another page to go to
	tst.b more_pages.w
	beq handle_done
	;switch to the next page
	move.l page_stack.w, a6
	move.l (-4, a6), a6

	addq #6, a7
	bra render_page

	move.l page_stack.w, a5
	;check if we're already on the first page
	cmp.l #(page_pointers+8), a5
	beq handle_done
	;switch to previous page
	lea (-12, a5), a5
	move.l (a5)+, a6
	move.l a5, page_stack.w

	addq #6, a7
	bra render_page

	moveq #0, d0
	move.b (selected).w, d0
	add.w d0, d0
	add.w d0, d0
	tst.b num_menu.w
	bne .select_menu_button
	tst.b num_slots.w
	bne .select_save_slot
	lea page_index.w, a2
	move.l (0, a2, d0.w), a2
	tst.b (-1, a2)
	bne enter_dir
	;regular file
	move.l rom_load_addr.w, a3
	move.l a2, (a3)
	addq #6, a7
	bra show_pause_menu
	movea.l menu_functions.w, a2
	move.l (0, a2, d0.w), a2
	addq #6, a7
	jmp (a2)
	lea menu_port, a3
	moveq #0, d0
	move.b port_off.w, d0
	add.w d0, a3
	move.b selected.w, d0
	move.l d0, (a3)
	addq #6, a7
	jmp show_pause_menu
	lea menu_port+4, a3
	move.l a2, (a3)
	tst.w (a3)
	bne .wait_complete
	addq #6, a7
	bra menu_start

	move.b last_mbuttons.w, d4
	eor.b d3, d4
	and.b d3, d4
	move.b d3, last_mbuttons.w

	move.b d0, d2
	or.b d1, d2
	beq .no_mouse_move

	tst.b mouse_shown.w
	bne .skip_show_check

	moveq #0, d2
	move.b num_sprites.w, d2
	move.w d2, d4
	lsl.w #3, d4
	lea sprite_list.w, a2
	move.b d2, (-5, a2, d4.w)
	lea (0, a2, d4.w), a2
	move.l a2, mouse_sprite.w
	move.l #$00EA0500, (a2)+
	move.w #$8083, (a2)
	move.w #$100, mouse_x.w
	addq #1, d2
	move.b d2, num_sprites.w

	move.b #1, mouse_shown.w
	move.l cursor_show_fun.w, d2
	beq .skip_show_check
	move.l d2, a2
	jsr (a2)

	neg.w d1
	move.l mouse_sprite.w, a2
	add.w d1, (a2)
	add.w d0, mouse_x.w
	move.w mouse_x.w, d0
	asr.w #1, d0
	move.w d0, (6, a2)
	move.w (a2), d1
	cmp.w selection_top.w, d1
	blo .done
	cmp.w selection_bot.w, d1
	bhi .special_click
	tst.b num_menu.w
	bne .handle_menu
	tst.b num_slots.w
	bne .handle_slots
	and.w #$FFF0, d1
	subq #8, d1
	move.w d1, (sprite_list).w
	move.w d1, (sprite_list+8).w

	sub.w #264, d1
	lsr.w #4, d1
	move.b d1, selected.w
	bra .normal_click
	and.w #$FFF0, d1
	moveq #0, d0
	move.w d1, d0
	sub.w selection_top.w, d0
	divu.w #48, d0
	swap d0
	tst.w d0
	beq .no_adjust
	cmp.w #16, d0
	bne .round_up
	swap d0
	sub.w #16, d1
	bra .set_cursor_pos
	swap d0
	addq #1, d0
	add.w #16, d1
	bra .set_cursor_pos
	swap d0
	move.w d1, (sprite_list).w
	move.w d1, (sprite_list+8).w

	move.b d0, selected.w
	bra .normal_click
	and.w #$FFE0, d1
	subq #8, d1
	move.w d1, (sprite_list).w
	move.w d1, (sprite_list+8).w

	sub.w #264, d1
	lsr.w #5, d1
	move.b d1, selected.w
	btst #0, d4
	bne select_entry
	tst.b mouse_shown
	bne .skip_show_check
	btst #0, d4
	beq .done
	move.l special_click.w, d2
	beq .done
	move.l d2, a2
	jmp (a2)

	dc.b $0, $1, $4, $5
	dc.b $2, $3, $6, $7
	dc.b $8, $9, $C, $D
	dc.b $A, $B, $E, $F

	;read TH=1
	move.b (a2), d0
	;read TH=0
	move.b #0, (a2)
	move.b (a2), d1
	;reset TH to 1
	move.b #$40, (a2)

	moveq #0, d2   ;4

	;calculate Mega Drive peripheral ID
	move.b d1, d2  ;4
	lsr.b #1, d2   ;8, 12
	or.b d1, d2    ;4, 16
	and.b #5, d2   ;8, 24

	move.b d0, d3  ;4
	add.b d3, d3   ;4, 8
	or.b d0, d3    ;4, 12
	and.b #$A, d3  ;8, 20

	or.b d3, d2    ;4
	move.b (id_lookup, pc, d2.w), d2 ;14

	cmp.b #$3, d2
	beq .mouse

	cmp.b #$D, d2
	bne .not_pad

	and.b #$3F, d0
	and.b #$30, d1
	add.b d1, d1
	add.b d1, d1
	or.b d1, d0
	not.b d0
	moveq #0, d0


	move.b #$60, (a2)
	move.b #$60, (PAD1_CTRL-PAD1_DATA, a2)
	move.b #$60, (a2)

	moveq #$f, d4
	btst #4, (a2)
	beq wait_hi_init
	move.b #$20, (a2)
	moveq #$f, d4
	move.b #0, (a2)
	btst #4, (a2)
	bne .wait_lo
	moveq #$f, d4
	move.b #$20, (a2)
	btst #4, (a2)
	beq .wait_hi

	lea mouse_buf.w, a3
	move.l a3, a4
	moveq #2, d3
	moveq #0, d0
	moveq #$f, d4
	move.b #0, (a2)
	btst #4, (a2)
	bne .wait_lo
	move.b (a2), d0
	lsl.b #4, d0
	moveq #$f, d4
	move.b #$20, (a2)
	btst #4, (a2)
	beq .wait_hi
	move.b (a2), d1
	and.b #$f, d1
	or.b d1, d0
	move.b d0, (a3)+

	dbra d3, loop

	;end request
	move.b #$60, (a2)

	;massage data
	moveq #0, d1
	move.b d0, d1
	move.b (a4)+, d3
	move.b (a4), d0

	btst #4, d3
	beq xpos
	or.w #$FF00, d0
	btst #5, d3
	beq ypos
	or.w #$FF00, d1
	;set port config back to normal controller mode
	move.b #$40, (PAD1_CTRL-PAD1_DATA, a2)

topcorner equ (button-font)/64 + 32
topmiddle equ topcorner+1
botcorner equ topmiddle+1
botmiddle equ botcorner+1
horiz_flip equ $800
vert_flip equ $1000

; draws a button
; d0.w - x in cells
; d1.w - y in cells
; d2.w - width in cells
; clobbers a6
	;multiply x by 2
	add.w d0, d0
	;multiply y by 128
	lsl.w #7, d1
	add.w d1, d0
	add.w #$A000, d0
	move.w d0, d1
	and.w #$3FFF, d0
	rol.w #2, d1
	and.w #3, d1
	ori.w #(VDP_VRAM_WRITE >> 16), d0
	swap d0
	move.w d1, d0
	move.l d0, (a1)
	move.w d2, d1
	;top left corner
	move.w #topcorner, (a0)
	subq #3, d1
	bmi .notopmiddle
	;top middle
	move.w #topmiddle, (a0)
	dbra d1, .toploop
	;top right corner
	move.w #(topcorner | horiz_flip), (a0)
	;go to next row in name table
	add.l #((2*64) << 16), d0
	move.l d0, (a1)
	;bottom left corner
	move.w #botcorner, (a0)
	subq #3, d2
	bmi .nomiddlebot
	;bottom middle
	move.w #botmiddle, (a0)
	dbra d2, .botloop
	;bottom right corner
	move.w #(botcorner | horiz_flip), (a0)

;a5 - menu pointer
;d6 - initial Y position of menu
	moveq #0, d7
	moveq #0, d5
	;clear out save slot state
	move.b d5, num_slots.w
	;clear out event handlers
	move.l d5, cursor_show_fun.w
	move.l d5, special_click.w
	;select first item
	move.b d7, selected.w
	;save menu pointer for second pass
	movea.l a5, a4
	;adjust arrow mask
	move.w #$FFE0, selection_mask.w
	tst.b (a5)
	beq .lendone
	addq #1, d5
	movea.l a5, a6
	bsr strlen
	cmp.w d7, d0
	blo .nochange
	move.w d0, d7
	lea (1, a5, d0.w), a5
	bra .lenloop
	addq #2, d7
	move.b d5, num_menu.w
	;calculate X position
	move.w d7, d4
	lsr.w #1, d4
	moveq #20, d5
	sub.w d4, d5
	;calculate left arrow X
	move.w d5, d4
	lsl.w #3, d4
	add.w #(128-24), d4
	move.w d4, (sprite_list+6).w
	;calculate right arrow x
	move.w d7, d3
	lsl.w #3, d3
	add.w d3, d4
	add.w #32, d4
	move.w d4, (sprite_list+6+8).w
	;update left arrow Y
	move.w d6, d4
	lsl.w #4, d4
	add.w #256, d4
	move.w d4, (sprite_list).w
	move.w d4, (sprite_list+8).w
	;update mouse top limit
	move.w d4, selection_top.w
	;restore menu pointer
	movea.l a4, a5
	tst.b (a5)
	beq .done
	;x pos
	move.w d5, d0
	;y pos
	move.w d6, d1
	move.w d7, d2
	bsr draw_button
	movea.l a5, a6
	bsr strlen
	movea.l a5, a6
	lea (1, a5, d0.w), a5
	;x pos
	move.w d7, d1
	lsr.w #1, d1
	add.w d5, d1
	lsr.w #1, d0
	sub.w d0, d1
	;y pos
	move.w d6, d2
	;base attribute
	move.w #$206B, d0
	bsr print_string_fixed
	addq #3, d6
	bra .drawloop
	;update mouse bottom limit
	lsl.w #4, d6
	add.w #224, d6
	move.w d6, selection_bot.w
	;clear name tables
	vdpaccess $8000, VDP_VRAM_WRITE
	moveq #32, d0
	swap d0
	move.b #32, d0
	move.w #(64*64-1), d1
	move.l d0, (a0)
	dbra d1, ploop

	vdpreg MODE_2, $4    ;Mode 5, everything turned off
	vdpreg MODE_1, $4
	vdpreg SCROLL_A, $20 ;Scroll a table $8000
	vdpreg SCROLL_B, $05 ;Scroll b table $A000
	vdpreg SAT, $60      ;SAT table $C000
	vdpreg BG_COLOR, 0
	vdpreg HINT, $FF
	vdpreg MODE_3, 0     ;full screen scroll
	vdpreg MODE_4, $87   ;40 cell mode, double-res interlace
	vdpreg HSCROLL, 0
	vdpreg AUTOINC, 2
	vdpreg SCROLL, 1     ;64x32 scroll size

	lea $FF0000, a0
	moveq #0, d0
	move.w #($10000/8 - 1), d1
	move.l d0, (a0)+
	move.l d0, (a0)+
	dbra d1, .clearloop

	lea $C00000, a0
	lea $C00004, a1

	moveq #(end_initial_regs-initial_regs-1), d0
	lea initial_regs.w, a2
	move.w (a2)+, (a1)
	dbra d0, .regloop

	vdpaccess $0, VDP_CRAM_WRITE
	move.w #$400, (a0)
	move.w #$EEE, (a0)
	move.w #$222, (a0)

	;init scroll table
	vdpaccess $0, VDP_VRAM_WRITE
	move.w #0, (a0)
	move.w #0, (a0)
	;load tiles
	vdpaccess $800, VDP_VRAM_WRITE
	lea font(pc), a2
	move.w #((buttonend-font)/4 - 1), d0
	move.l (a2)+, (a0)
	dbra d0, tloop
	move.w #((fontfixedend-fontfixed)/4 - 1), d0
	move.l (a2)+, d1
	move.l d1, (a0)
	move.l d1, (a0)
	dbra d0, dtloop

	;setup SAT
	;;vdpaccess $C000, VDP_VRAM_WRITE

	lea sprite_list.w, a2
	;left arrow
	move.l #$01080501, (a2)+
	move.l #$807F0086, (a2)+

	;right arrow
	move.l #$01080500, (a2)+
	move.l #$887F01AA, (a2)+
	move.b #2, num_sprites.w
	bsr clear_screen
	;init vertical scroll RAM
	vdpaccess $0, VDP_VSRAM_WRITE
	move.w #-4, (a0)
	move.w #0, (a0)
	moveq #8, d6
	move.l #main_menu_func, menu_functions.w
	lea main_menu(pc), a5
	bsr draw_menu
	bra gamepad_setup
	bsr clear_screen
	;init vertical scroll RAM
	vdpaccess $0, VDP_VSRAM_WRITE
	move.w #-4, (a0)
	move.w #0, (a0)
	moveq #8, d6
	move.l #pause_menu_func, menu_functions.w
	lea pause_menu(pc), a5
	bsr draw_menu
	bra gamepad_setup
	move.l #lock_on_port, rom_load_addr.w
	bra menu_common
	move.l #load_rom_port, rom_load_addr.w
	moveq #0, d0
	;init vertical scroll RAM
	vdpaccess $0, VDP_VSRAM_WRITE
	move.w d0, (a0)
	move.w d0, (a0)
	;reset arrow position
	move.w #$0108, sprite_list.w
	move.w #$0108, (sprite_list + 8).w
	move.w #$0086, (sprite_list + 6).w
	move.w #$01AA, (sprite_list + 6 + 8).w
	;reset selection
	move.b d0, selected.w
	;reset special click handler
	move.l d0, special_click.w

	lea page_pointers.w, a5
	lea dir_buffer, a6
	move.l a6, (a5)+
	move.l a5, page_stack.w
	lea menu_port, a2
	move.l a6, (a2)

	tst.w (a2)
	bne wait_complete

	bsr clear_screen
	;clear menu state
	move.b #0, num_menu.w
	move.w #272, selection_top.w
	move.w #655, selection_bot.w
	move.w #$FFF0, selection_mask.w

	;init scroll table
	vdpaccess $0, VDP_VRAM_WRITE
	move.w #0, (a0)
	move.w #4, (a0)
	move.l #$40860002, d3
	move.l d3, (a1)
	move.l d3, base_cmd.w
	move.b #0, more_pages.w
	lea page_index.w, a3
	moveq #MAX_DISPLAY-1, d7
	tst.b (a6)+
	beq done_files
	addq #1, a6 ;TODO: Do something with directory flag

	;skip over entries starting with a dot except ..
	cmp.b #$2E, (a6)
	bne normal
	cmp.b #$2E, (1, a6)
	beq normal
	addq #1, a6
	tst.b (a6)+
	bne .skip_loop
	addq #1, d7
	move.l a6, d6
	bra skip
	;save entry pointer to page index
	move.l a6, (a3)+
	;print name on screen
	moveq #0, d0
	bsr print_string
	move.l a6, d6

	lea Newline(pc), a6
	bsr print_string

	;word align pointer
	addq #1, d6
	and.w #$FFFE, d6
	move.l d6, a6

	dbra d7, file_loop
	tst.b (a6)
	beq done_files
	move.b #1, more_pages.w
	move.l page_stack.w, a5
	move.l a6, (a5)+
	move.l a5, page_stack.w

	;null terminate page_index
	moveq #0, d0
	move.l d0, (a3)
	tst.b mouse_shown
	beq .no_mouse
	tst.b more_pages.w
	beq .no_next_page
	;draw Next button
	moveq #30, d0
	moveq #26, d1
	moveq #6, d2
	bsr draw_button
	;base attribute
	move.w #$206B, d0
	;x pos
	moveq #32, d1
	;y pos
	moveq #26, d2
	lea next_str(pc), a6
	bsr print_string_fixed

	cmp.l #(page_pointers+8), a5
	beq .no_prev_page
	;draw Prev button
	moveq #3, d0
	moveq #26, d1
	moveq #6, d2
	bsr draw_button
	;base attribute
	move.w #$206B, d0
	;x pos
	moveq #5, d1
	;y pos
	moveq #26, d2
	lea prev_str(pc), a6
	bsr print_string_fixed

	move.l #0, cursor_show_fun.w
	bra .done_page_buttons
	move.l #show_prev_next_buttons, cursor_show_fun.w
	move.l #handle_prev_next_click, special_click.w

	;setup gamepads
	move.b #$40, PAD1_CTRL
	move.b #$40, PAD2_CTRL

	move.w #$8174, (a1) ;enable display, vertical interrupts, DMA

	stop #2500
	bra wait_forever
	;make sure we're actually low enough
	cmp.w #663, d1
	bls .no_prev_page

	tst.b more_pages.w
	beq .no_next_page
	cmp.w #373, d0
	blo .no_next_page
	cmp.w #419, d0
	bhi .no_next_page
	;switch to the next page
	move.l page_stack.w, a6
	move.l (-4, a6), a6

	add.w #10, a7
	bra render_page
	cmp.l #(page_pointers+8), a5
	beq .no_prev_page
	cmp.w #157, d0
	blo .no_prev_page
	cmp.w #203, d0
	bhi .no_prev_page
	;switch to previous page
	lea (-12, a5), a5
	move.l (a5)+, a6
	move.l a5, page_stack.w

	add.w #10, a7
	bra render_page
	movem.l d0-d2/a6, -(a7)
	tst.b more_pages.w
	beq .no_next_page
	;draw Next button
	moveq #30, d0
	moveq #26, d1
	moveq #6, d2
	bsr draw_button
	;base attribute
	move.w #$206B, d0
	;x pos
	moveq #32, d1
	;y pos
	moveq #26, d2
	lea next_str(pc), a6
	bsr print_string_fixed

	cmp.l #(page_pointers+8), a5
	beq .no_prev_page
	;draw Prev button
	moveq #3, d0
	moveq #26, d1
	moveq #6, d2
	bsr draw_button
	;base attribute
	move.w #$206B, d0
	;x pos
	moveq #5, d1
	;y pos
	moveq #26, d2
	lea prev_str(pc), a6
	bsr print_string_fixed
	move.l #0, cursor_show_fun.w
	movem.l (a7)+, d0-d2/a6
	bsr clear_screen
	moveq #1, d7
	lea about_text(pc), a6
	;base attribute
	move.w #$006B, d0
	tst.b (a6)
	beq .done
	;x pos
	moveq #1, d1
	;y pos
	move.w d7, d2
	bsr print_string_fixed
	addq #1, d7
	bra .loop
	moveq #8, d6
	move.l #about_menu_func, menu_functions.w
	lea about_menu(pc), a5
	bsr draw_menu
	stop #$2500
	bra .wait
	move.l #1, menu_port+12
	bra exit
	move.l #2, menu_port+12
	bra show_pause_menu
	move.w #(256+26), sprite_list.w
	move.w #(256+26), (sprite_list+8).w
	move.w #(128+8), (sprite_list+6).w
	move.w #(128+320-24), (sprite_list+6+8).w
	move.w #(256+32), selection_top.w
	move.b #0, selected.w
	move.b #0, num_menu.w
	lea dir_buffer, a6
	lea menu_port+16, a3
	move.l a6, (a3)
	tst.w (a3)
	bne .waitdone
	bsr clear_screen
	moveq #0, d0
	moveq #0, d6
	moveq #2, d7
	tst.b (a6)
	beq .done
	addq #1, d6
	moveq #4, d1
	move.w d7, d2
	bsr print_string_fixed
	addq #2, d7
	bra .slotloop
	lsl.w #4, d7
	add.w #248, d7
	move.w d7, selection_bot.w
	move.b d6, num_slots.w
	move.b #(5*4), port_off.w
	bsr show_save_slots
	stop #$2500
	bra .wait
	move.b #(6*4), port_off.w
	bsr show_save_slots
	stop #$2500
	bra .wait
	dc.b "Next", 0
	dc.b "Prev", 0
	dc.b "BlastEm v0.5.0", 0
	dc.b "Copyright 2011-2017 Michael Pavone", 0
	dc.b " ", 0
	dc.b "BlastEm is a high performance, open", 0
	dc.b "source (GPLv3) Genesis/Megadrive", 0
	dc.b "emulator.",0
	dc.b " ", 0
	dc.b " ", 0
	dc.b " ", 0
	dc.b " ", 0
	dc.b "       --- Special Thanks ---", 0
	dc.b " ", 0
	dc.b "Nemesis: Documentatino and test ROMs", 0
	dc.b "Charles MacDonald: Documentation", 0
	dc.b "Eke-Eke: Documentation", 0
	dc.b "Bart Trzynadlowski: Documentation", 0
	dc.b "KanedaFR: Hosting the best Sega forum", 0
	dc.b "Titan: Awesome demos and documentation", 0
	dc.b "micky: Testing", 0
	dc.b "Sasha: Testing", 0
	dc.b "lol-frank: Testing", 0
	dc.b "Sik: Testing", 0
	dc.b "Tim Lawrence : Testing", 0
	dc.b "ComradeOj: Testing", 0
	dc.b "Vladikcomper: Testing", 0
	dc.b 0

	dc.b $A, 0

	align 1

;Prints a null terminated string
;a6 - pointer to string
;a0 - VDP data port
;d0 - base tile attribute
;Clobbers: d1.w, d2.w, d3.l
	lea widths(pc), a5
	move.w x_pos.w, d2
	move.l base_cmd.w, d3
	moveq #0, d1
	move.b (a6)+, d1
	beq .end
	cmp.b #$A, d1
	beq .newline
	tst.b (-32, a5, d1.w)
	beq .narrow
	add.w d0, d1
	move.w d1, (a0)
	addq #2, d2
	bra .loop
	add.w d0, d1
	move.w d1, (a0)
	addq #1, d2
	move.l d2, d1
	;switch to other plane
	and.w #$FFFE, d1
	swap d1
	eor.l #$20000000, d3
	add.l d3, d1
	move.l d1, (a1)
	bra .loop
	moveq #0, d2
	;switch back to plane A
	and.l #$DFFFFFFF, d3
	;skip to next row
	add.l #$00800000, d3
	move.l d3, (a1)
	bra .loop
	move.w d2, x_pos.w
	move.l d3, base_cmd.w
;Prints a null-terminated string with a fixed width font
;a6 - pointer to string
;a0 - VDP data port
;d0 - base tile attribute
;d1 - x col
;d2 - y col
	;multiply x by 2
	add.w d1, d1
	;multiply y by 128
	lsl.w #7, d2
	add.w d2, d1
	add.w #$8000, d1
	move.w d1, d2
	and.w #$3FFF, d1
	rol.w #2, d2
	and.w #3, d2
	ori.w #(VDP_VRAM_WRITE >> 16), d1
	swap d1
	move.w d2, d1
	move.l d1, (a1)
	moveq #0, d1
	move.b (a6)+, d1
	beq .end
	add.w d0, d1
	move.w d1, (a0)
	bra .loop
;Returns string length in d0
;a6 - pointer to string
	moveq #-1, d0
	addq #1, d0
	tst.b (a6)+
	bne .loop

	align 1
	incbin font_interlace_variable.tiles
	incbin arrow.tiles
	incbin cursor.tiles
	incbin button.tiles
	incbin font.tiles

	dc.b 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1
	dc.b 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0
	dc.b 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1
	dc.b 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
	dc.b 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
	dc.b "Load ROM", 0
	dc.b "About", 0
	dc.b "Exit", 0
	dc.b 0
	align 1
	dc.l menu_start
	dc.l show_about
	dc.l exit
	dc.b "Return", 0
	dc.b 0
	align 1
	dc.l show_main_menu
	dc.b "Resume", 0
	dc.b "Load ROM", 0
	dc.b "Lock On", 0
	dc.b "Save State", 0
	dc.b "Load State", 0
	dc.b "Exit", 0
	dc.b 0
	align 1
	dc.l resume
	dc.l menu_start
	dc.l lock_on
	dc.l save_state
	dc.l load_state
	dc.l exit
