Sega LOader

Home Sega CD SLO 32X Transfer ConvSCD


SLO is a simple binary loader and text viewer. It displays all the files on a CD and allows the user to select one to load.

Use the up and down buttons to move the cursor, left and right to change "pages." Pressing 'A' opens a file as text. Pressing 'Start' runs a binary from Genesis RAM (0xFF0000), pressing 'C' will run it from Word RAM (0x200000). While in the text viewer mode, pressing 'Start' will return to the file list.



slodemo.iso: This ISO file is ready to go. It contains a few text files and a small demo (originally written by Charles Doty) so you can get a feel for the program.
slo.bin: Pre-assembled binary for the Main CPU.
cdread.bin: Pre-assembled binary for Sub CPU. (ISO-9660 library)
slo.asm: Source for Main CPU binary.
cdread.asm: Source to the ISO-9660 library.
buildscd.exe: Win32 console program to make your own ISO.
segacdc.bin: The demo found on the ISO.