Compatibility Issues (4 matches)

This report tracks issues that impact compatibility with an individual game that aren't simply due to unimplemented hardware (which is tracked by the Completness issues report) or a known general accuracy issue (which is tracked by the Accuracy issues report).


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Status Priority Milestone Component
#21 Add remaining EEPROM games to ROM DB Mike Pavone closed major 0.5.1 Genesis/Megadrive
#23 Line -1 renders incorrectly in two scenes of Overdrive 2 Mike Pavone new major 0.8.0 Genesis/Megadrive
#36 Minor Graphical Glitch in Road Rash 3 Bike Shop Mike Pavone closed trivial 0.5.2 Genesis/Megadrive
#22 Occassional black line in Top Gear 2 Mike Pavone closed major 0.5.1 Genesis/Megadrive
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.