

07:47 WikiStart edited by Mike Pavone
07:47 Commercial Use created by Mike Pavone
07:33 FAQ edited by Mike Pavone
07:32 FAQ created by Mike Pavone
07:26 Contributing edited by Mike Pavone
07:25 Contributing created by Mike Pavone
07:04 WikiStart edited by Mike Pavone
06:33 Ticket #39 (VDP debug windows stop working when loading a new ROM) created by Mike Pavone
Probably not getting hooked up to the new vdp context after the ROM load
06:24 Ticket #38 (Window bug behavior is incorrect) created by Mike Pavone
Currently tile data from the Window later is repeated in the region …
04:24 Ticket #34 (Change how palettes are displayed in debugger) closed by Mike Pavone
fixed: I think the new version of the CRAM debugger introduced in 0.6.0 …
04:22 Ticket #32 (Nuklear Based UI) closed by Mike Pavone
fixed: Implemented in version 0.6.0
04:19 Ticket #35 (Allow loading ROMs from ZIP files) closed by Mike Pavone
fixed: This was implemented in 0.6.2
04:01 Ticket #36 (Minor Graphical Glitch in Road Rash 3 Bike Shop) closed by Mike Pavone
fixed: Fixed in 0.6.0
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.