view gen_test_hv.s68 @ 1374:8f404b1fa572

Go back to resetting the refresh counter after a DMA. Probably not quite correct as it is probably reset on VDP triggered refresh, but this is close enough for now given the general limitations with my refresh code. VDP FIFO Testing seems to be passing 100% reliably again (was occassionally failing still with the last commit)
author Michael Pavone <>
date Tue, 23 May 2017 23:47:40 -0700
parents c86f27f5c5a6
line wrap: on
line source

	dc.l $0, start
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
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	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l int_4
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l int_6
	dc.l empty_handler
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	dc.l empty_handler
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	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
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	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.b "SEGA"
	move.w (a2), d0
	ori.w #$8000, d0
	move.w d0, (a4)+

	lea $C00000, a0
	lea $C00004, a1
	move.w #$8104, (a1) ;Mode 5, everything turned off
	move.w #$8004, (a1)
	move.w #$8220, (a1) ;Scroll a table $8000
	move.w #$8404, (a1) ;Scroll b table $8000
	move.w #$8560, (a1) ;SAT table $C000
	move.w #$8700, (a1) ;backdrop color 0
	move.w #$8B00, (a1) ;full screen scroll
	move.w #$8C81, (a1) ;40 cell mode, no interlace
	move.w #$8C81, (mode).w
	move.w #$8D00, (a1) ;hscroll table at 0
	move.w #$8F02, (a1) ;autoinc 2
	move.w #$9011, (a1) ;64x64 scroll size
	move.l #$C0000000, (a1)
	move.w #$000, (a0)
	move.w #$EEE, (a0)

	;clear scroll table
	move.l #$40000000, (a1)
	move.l #0, (a0)

	;load tiles
	move.l #$44000000, (a1)
	lea font(pc), a2
	move.w #((fontend-font)/4 - 1), d0
	move.l (a2)+, (a0)
	dbra d0, tloop

	;clear name table
	move.l #$40000002, (a1)
	moveq #32, d0
	move.w #(64*64-1), d1
	move.w d0, (a0)
	dbra d1, ploop

	lea $FF0000, a4
	move.b #$40, (a4, 6)
	move.w #$8144, (a1) ;enable display
	move #$2300, sr

	lea (4, a1), a2 ;hv counter line address
	lea (2, a1), a3 ;second contro/status address

	move.b #254, d0
	cmp.b (a2), d0
	beq init_wait

	move.b #254, d0
	lea $FF0000, a4
	move.w #$8F00, (a1)     ;autoinc of 0
	move.l #$40040000, (a1) ;unused VRAM address
	cmp.b (a2), d0
	bne.s wait_active

	move.l #$8A718014, (a1) ;enable Hints

	;sync to VDP by attempting to fill FIFO
	;being in vblank makes this a bit difficult

	rept 8
	move.l d0, (a0)

	;sample data for vblank flag off
	rept 82 ;two lines worth of move.l
	move.l (a3), (a4)+

	move.l a4, a5 ;save end of first buffer

	move.b (a2), d0
	cmp.b (a2), d0
	beq.s wait_new_line

	;sync to VDP by filling FIFO
	move.l d0, (a0)
	move.l d0, (a0)
	move.w d0, (a0)

	;sample data for line change HV value
	rept 45 ;one line worth of move.l
	move.l (a2), (a4)+

	move.l a4, usp ;save end of second buffer

	moveq #$70, d0
	cmp.b (a2), d0
	bne.s wait_hint_line

	;sample data for line change HV value
	rept 45 ;one line worth of move.l
	move.l (a2), (a4)+

	move.l a4, a6

	move.b #223, d0
	cmp.b (a2), d0
	bne.s wait_inactive

	;sync to VDP by filling FIFO
	move.l d0, (a0)
	move.l d0, (a0)
	move.w d0, (a0)

	;sample data for vblank on
	rept 82 ;two lines worth of move.l
	move.l (a3), (a4)+

	move.l #$8AFF8004, (a1) ;disable Hints

	rsset $FFFF8000
vblank_start_min rs.w 1
vblank_start_max rs.w 1
vblank_end_min   rs.w 1
vblank_end_max   rs.w 1
hblank_start_min rs.w 1
hblank_start_max rs.w 1
hblank_end_min   rs.w 1
hblank_end_max   rs.w 1
line_change_min  rs.w 1
line_change_max  rs.w 1
hint_min         rs.w 1
hint_max         rs.w 1
mode             rs.w 1
printed_hv_dump  rs.b 1
button_state     rs.b 1

	lea $FF0001, a4
	btst.b #3, (a4)
	beq.s found_vblank_off
	move.w 1(a4), d6
	addq #4, a4
	bra.s .loop

	move.w (vblank_end_max).w, d0
	beq .new_max
	cmp.w d0, d6
	blo .no_new_max
	move.w d6, (vblank_end_max).w

	move.w 1(a4), d6

	move.w (vblank_end_min).w, d0
	beq .new_min
	cmp.w d0, d6
	bhi .no_new_min
	move.w d6, (vblank_end_min).w

	lea $FF0001, a4
;first find a point where HBLANK is not set
	bra.s .start
	addq #4, a4
	btst.b #2, (a4)
	bne.s .loop

;then find a point after that where it switches to on
	btst.b #2, (a4)
	bne.s found_hblank_on
	move.w 1(a4), d5
	addq #4, a4
	bra.s .loop2

	move.w (hblank_start_max).w, d0
	beq .new_max
	cmp.w d0, d5
	blo .no_new_max
	move.w d5, (hblank_start_max).w

	move.w 1(a4), d5

	move.w (hblank_start_min).w, d0
	beq .new_min
	cmp.w d0, d5
	bhi .no_new_min
	move.w d5, (hblank_start_min).w

;finally find a point after that where it switches back off
	btst.b #2, (a4)
	beq.s found_hblank_off
	move.w 1(a4), d5
	addq #4, a4
	bra.s .loop2

	move.w (hblank_end_max).w, d0
	beq .new_max
	cmp.w d0, d5
	blo .no_new_max
	move.w d5, (hblank_end_max).w

	move.w 1(a4), d5

	move.w (hblank_end_min).w, d0
	beq .new_min
	cmp.w d0, d5
	bhi .no_new_min
	move.w d5, (hblank_end_min).w

	move.l a5, a4 ;save line change buffer for later
	move.b (a5), d0
	move.w (a5), d7
	addq #2, a5
	cmp.b (a5), d0
	beq .loop

	move.w (line_change_max).w, d0
	beq .new_max
	cmp.w d0, d7
	blo .no_new_max
	move.w d7, (line_change_max).w

	move.w (a5), d7

	move.w (line_change_min).w, d0
	beq .new_min
	cmp.w d0, d7
	bhi .no_new_min
	move.w d7, (line_change_min).w

	addq #1, a6
	btst.b #3, (a6)
	bne.s found_vblank_on
	move.w 1(a6), d5
	addq #4, a6
	bra.s .loop

	move.w (vblank_start_max).w, d0
	beq .new_max
	cmp.w d0, d5
	blo .no_new_max
	move.w d5, (vblank_start_max).w

	move.w 1(a6), d5

	move.w (vblank_start_min).w, d0
	beq .new_min
	cmp.b d0, d5
	bhi .no_new_min
	move.w d5, (vblank_start_min).w

	move usp, a5
	btst.b #7, (a5)
	bne.s found_hint
	move.w (a5), d1
	addq #2, a5
	bra.s .loop

	move.w (hint_max).w, d0
	beq .new_max
	cmp.w d0, d1
	blo .no_new_max
	move.w d1, (hint_max).w

	move.w (a5), d1
	and.w #$7FFF, d1

	move.w (hint_min).w, d0
	beq .new_min
	cmp.b d0, d1
	bhi .no_new_min
	move.w d1, (hint_min).w

	;draw data
	move.w #$8F02, (a1)     ;autoinc of 2
	move.l #$40840002, (a1)

	moveq #0, d0
	lea VBlankStart(pc), a6
	bsr print_string

	move.w (vblank_start_max), d0
	moveq #0, d1
	bsr print_hexw

	move.w #32, (a0)
	move.w d5, d0
	bsr print_hexw

	move.w #32, (a0)
	move.w (vblank_start_min), d0
	bsr print_hexw

	moveq #0, d0
	move.l #$41040002, (a1)
	lea VBlankEnd(pc), a6
	bsr print_string

	;max value before vblank end
	moveq #0, d1
	move.w (vblank_end_max), d0
	bsr print_hexw

	move.w #32, (a0)
	move.w d6, d0
	bsr print_hexw

	;min value after vblank end
	move.w (vblank_end_min), d0
	move.w #32, (a0)
	bsr print_hexw

	moveq #0, d0
	move.l #$41840002, (a1)
	lea LineChange(pc), a6
	bsr print_string

	move.w (line_change_max), d0
	moveq #0, d1
	bsr print_hexw

	move.w #32, (a0)
	move.w d7, d0
	bsr print_hexw

	move.w (line_change_min), d0
	move.w #32, (a0)
	bsr print_hexw

	moveq #0, d0
	move.l #$42040002, (a1)
	lea HBlankStart(pc), a6
	bsr print_string

	move.w (hblank_start_max), d0
	moveq #0, d1
	bsr print_hexw

	move.w (hblank_start_min), d0
	move.w #32, (a0)
	bsr print_hexw

	moveq #0, d0
	move.l #$42840002, (a1)
	lea HBlankEnd(pc), a6
	bsr print_string

	move.w (hblank_end_max), d0
	moveq #0, d1
	bsr print_hexw

	move.w (hblank_end_min), d0
	move.w #32, (a0)
	bsr print_hexw

	moveq #0, d0
	move.l #$43040002, (a1)
	lea HInterrupt(pc), a6
	bsr print_string

	move.w (hint_max), d0
	moveq #0, d1
	bsr print_hexw

	move.w (hint_min), d0
	move.w #32, (a0)
	bsr print_hexw

	;read pad
	move.b #$40, $A10003
	move.b $A10003, d0
	move.b #$00, $A10003
	and.b #$3f, d0
	move.b $A10003, d1
	and.b #$30, d1
	lsl.b #2, d1
	or.b d1, d0
	not.b d0
	move.b (button_state).w, d2
	eor.b d0, d2
	and.b d0, d2
	move.b d2, d3 ;d3 contains newly pressed buttons, SACBRLDU
	move.b d0, (button_state).w

	btst.l #7, d3
	beq not_pressed

	moveq #0, d0
	move.l d0, (vblank_start_min).w
	move.l d0, (vblank_end_min).w
	move.l d0, (hblank_start_min).w
	move.l d0, (hblank_end_min).w
	move.l d0, (line_change_min).w
	move.l d0, (hint_min).w
	move.b d0, (printed_hv_dump).w
	move.w (mode).w, d0
	eor.w  #$81, d0
	move.w d0, (mode).w
	move.w d0, (a1)
	bra top


	move.b (printed_hv_dump).w, d0
	bne top
	move.b #1, (printed_hv_dump).w

	moveq #0, d1
	moveq #89, d4
	moveq #6, d5
	move.l #$45820002, d6
	move.l d6, (a1)

	dbra d5, .no_line_change
	add.l #$00800000, d6
	move.l d6, (a1)
	moveq #5, d5
	move.w #32, (a0)
	move.w (a4)+, d0
	bsr print_hexw
	dbra d4, print_loop

	add.l #$01020000, d6
	move.l d6, (a1)
	moveq #0, d0
	lea Instructions(pc), a6
	bsr print_string

	bra top

	dc.b "VBlank Start: ", 0
	dc.b "VBlank End:   ", 0
	dc.b "Line Change:  ", 0
	dc.b "HBlank Start: ", 0
	dc.b "HBlank End:   ", 0
	dc.b "HInterrupt:   ", 0
	dc.b "Press Start to switch modes", 0

	align 1
;Prints a number in hex format
;d0.w - number to print
;d1.w - base tile attribute
;a0 - VDP data port
;Clobbers: d2.l, d3.l
	moveq #3, d3
	rol.w #4, d0
	moveq #$F, d2
	and.b d0, d2
	cmp.b #$A, d2
	bge .hex
	add.w #$30, d2
	bra .makeattrib
	add.w #($41-$A), d2
	add.w d1, d2
	move.w d2, (a0)
	dbra d3, .digitloop

;Prints a null terminated string
;a6 - pointer to string
;a0 - VDP data port
;d0 - base tile attribute
;Clobbers: d1.w
	moveq #0, d1
	move.b (a6)+, d1
	beq .end
	add.w d0, d1
	move.w d1, (a0)
	bra .loop

	align 1
	incbin font.tiles