Custom Query (11 matches)


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Status: new (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#13 CRAM artifacts are a little off in Outrunners and Overdrive 2 Mike Pavone accuracy minor 0.5.0
#24 68K refresh delays are only approximate Mike Pavone accuracy minor 0.5.0
#25 Some Z80/68K interactions have only approximate timing Mike Pavone accuracy minor 0.5.0
#26 Emulate the XE-1 AP Mike Pavone completeness minor 0.5.0
#27 Emulate the Miracle Piano peripheral Mike Pavone completeness minor 0.5.0
#17 Emulate light guns Mike Pavone completeness major 0.5.0
#18 Emulate the Pier Solar mapper Mike Pavone completeness major 0.5.0
#19 Emulate multi-taps Mike Pavone completeness major 0.5.0
#20 Emulate the SVP chip used by Virtua Racing Mike Pavone completeness major 0.5.0
#31 32X Support Mike Pavone completeness major 0.5.0
#37 Implement Z80 IM 0 and IM 2 Mike Pavone completeness major 0.5.0
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.