

07:04 Ticket #29 (Blank out non-drawn parts of the window) created by Sik
When the screen doesn't fit perfectly within the window (i.e. they …


06:51 Ticket #28 (Emulate the Codemasters mapper) created by Mike Pavone
While most SMS games use a variant of Sega's standard mapper, at least …
06:49 Ticket #27 (Emulate the Miracle Piano peripheral) created by Mike Pavone
Only used by the Miracle Piano software.
06:46 Ticket #26 (Emulate the XE-1 AP) created by Mike Pavone
This peripheral is only used by something like 2 games and is …
06:38 Ticket #25 (Some Z80/68K interactions have only approximate timing) created by Mike Pavone
Z80 access to the 68K bus does not necessarily occur at the exact time …
06:35 Ticket #24 (68K refresh delays are only approximate) created by Mike Pavone
Currently, BlastEm adds 2 68K cycles of delay every 128 68K cycles …
06:31 Ticket #23 (Line -1 renders incorrectly in two scenes of Overdrive 2) created by Mike Pavone
In the "fractal rotozoomer" and "disco floor" scenes, line -1 (aka …
06:28 Ticket #22 (Occassional black line in Top Gear 2) created by Mike Pavone
From time to time a black horizontal line will show up at a random …
06:26 Ticket #21 (Add remaining EEPROM games to ROM DB) created by Mike Pavone
The information required to properly emulate EEPROM saves is not …
06:15 Ticket #20 (Emulate the SVP chip used by Virtua Racing) created by Mike Pavone
This game uses an on-cart DSP for 3D rendering and will not run …
06:13 Ticket #19 (Emulate multi-taps) created by Mike Pavone
Add support for both the Sega Team Player and the EA 4-way Play
06:11 Ticket #18 (Emulate the Pier Solar mapper) created by Mike Pavone
Pier Solar is not playable in BlastEm as the custom mapper it uses is …
06:10 Ticket #17 (Emulate light guns) created by Mike Pavone
Some games require a light gun in order to function in any useful way. …


08:55 Milestone 0.5.0 completed


07:05 Ticket #6 (Update changelog) closed by Mike Pavone


05:37 Ticket #7 (SMS pause button support) closed by Mike Pavone
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.